vi. the grapefruit diet

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I spring out of bed, wrap a robe around my body and wiggle my toes into fuzzy slippers. The house is tinted in a hazy blue hue. I try to pull my eyelids apart as I waddle through the kitchen. Then, I plant myself in my usual chair at the dining room. Right in front of Mommy, whose bleached-blonde hair and outfit are always camera-ready, even at six in the morning.

I yawn, wiping tears from the creases of my eyes. Mommy steps in, balancing a plump, sliced grapefruit on a tray. A cup full of pulpy orange juice slushes around the glass, nearly spilling out. Meanwhile, our pet camera is fused into her other hand. Her knuckles turn white as she grips the metallic device. It almost seems like a parasite sucking her blood flow, but she can't let it go. She carefully sets the tray down in front of me. I sit, boggled at my breakfast. Where is everything?

"Is this my breakfast?" I ask her.

"Yes, it's the grapefruit diet. I've been googling certain diets to maintain your figure so you can be as free as possible when you dance, and this is perfect for audition prep! Oh-" Mommy dashes into the kitchen again.

My heart sinks. She just confirmed what I was thinking about myself. Which means it's true. Which means that other people have noticed the entire time. I gulp when I think about the other girls in class talking about it behind my back.

Mommy excitedly waves a metal spoon in the air. She points the utensil at me, waiting for me to pull it out of her hand. I had no choice but to accept my fate.

Mommy pulls back her chair to sit. "Eat up. You're starting warm ups after this."

I'm starting to get annoyed at my childhood pet. In the back of my mind, I think, if she didn't have to film me, would I be stuck eating this? She veers her wrist to let the needy camera lick her face. Meanwhile, I still dart my eyes at the fruit, not ready to open my mouth. It's not like I don't fully deserve it, though. After sneaking ice cream into my routine after school.

"Good morning, y'all!" She greets our viewers. "It's day two of Julie's audition prep. She's been workin' her tush off so I definitely feel like a solo is in the bag. What do you guys think? Leave a comment down below your predictions or vote on our Twitter poll! Also, Julie?"

I blink awake. "Huh?"

"It's either this or nothin', sweet-pea. It's all up to you."

I sigh before digging into the sour pink grapefruit.

𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 & 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐲 🩰 | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now