xi. day two: ilona

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After returning from a long second-half of the physical therapy, I drag myself to my hospital room. When I open the door, the room is dark and empty. I relax my tense body in relief.

I flip on the light switch. Then, I collapse into my soft hospital bed and groan. But, I hear my phone ring. I drowsily slip it out of my pocket and swipe the screen to answer it, not bothering checking the ID.

"Hello?" I greet wearily.

"JULIE! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Lili screams. "See, Luce? I told you she was alive!"

"I knew she was alive. Julie wouldn't give up THAT easily," Lucy says in the background.

"Oh my god! It's you guys! Oh, it's so good to hear your guys' voice!" I say.

"Girl, what happened to you? We got so scared!" Lili asks.

"I have scoliosis. I'm getting surgery in four days, and they're having me do this dumb pre-surgery spinal camp thing."

"Oh, scoliosis? How long are you gonna be in recovery for?" Lucy questions.

"Hopefully after I get this surgery over with, I'll be right back with you guys."

"Oh, Julie. I don't know. That might be a lot of stress on your back," Lucy points out. "Our cousin had scoliosis too and she had to do the spinal fusion thing, and it took her a year to recover."

Suddenly, I hear a buzz come from Lucy's phone. And both of them go silent.

"Hey...where'd you guys go?" I ask. "Hello?"

"I don't think we should tell her-" Lucy's voice muffles.

Then, Lili's voice asks me clearly, "How was your day at the hospital, Julie?"

I arch my eyebrow. "What are you not telling me?"

Lucy sighs. "The invitations for the pointe class are coming out soon. We just got an email about it."

"Oh. Well, I'll probably get one soon—"

But, I stop myself. I gulp when I realize the school might not know when I'll get better. They won't know when to send me the invitation. What if it'll be too late and I'm behind the rest of my peers? How will I become a prima ballerina if I'm not on track?

"Who got the solo?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Ashley," Lili answers.

I sigh.

"Hey, I'm gonna talk to you privately for a sec, Julie," Lucy says.

"Oh. Okay."

I hear rustling from the phone. Then, she starts.

"You really scared us," Lucy says.

"I know. But I'll be fine, I promise! I'll be back right after the surgery, even if I have to force them to discharge me," I insist.

"I don't really believe you, this time. I know you really want to get back into ballet, but maybe you can take a break for a bit?" She suggests.

I furrow my brows. "Take a break? Why?"

"Well, one, the doctors are probably going to tell you that anyway. And two, if you keep pushing your body like you did the last few weeks, you're not going to be able to dance, period."

"But...what am I going to do if I don't dance? You said it yourself, ballet gives me structure. And it's what our channel brand is based on," I mention.

𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 & 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐲 🩰 | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now