Chapter 2

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NOTES: This chapter will contain swearing.

Chapter 2


Fink was playing on her PSXV, Call of Duty: Lost Count. She was really good at it. Every bullet counted and every bullet made contact with the other opponents.

FINK: (Points to the screen) TAKE THAT, SCUMBAG!

Fink had her feet on her desk, bashing the controller's buttons. This was pretty much all Fink did. She just stayed in her room playing video games and practising for any tournaments that may happen all around the world. She was one of the best in the world…and sometimes, depending how she felt, she'd attack the plaza, just for kicks.

But…it just wasn't the same without Professor Venomous, they used to do everything together and it was someone who she admired and looked up to. Even after all these years…she missed him. The game finished and was ready for another round…until the thought of that day, the day her boss died, came back to her…

…Fink was standing over her mentor. His lifeless eyes just stared blankly to the sky. Fink started to cry, her tears flowing down her green cheeks.

FINK: I'm-

Just then, the memory was cut short, after her other monitor started flashing red. This annoyed her as she hated interruptions. She sighed and chucked the controller down, then pressed the button leading to a security link outside the door.

She could see a figure, just about to walk to the door. She squinted at the screen, trying to see who it was.

FINK: Who's that?

The figure got closer and closer.

FINK: What…the hell…?

It was KO.

FINK: The hell is he doing here? Didn't he leave? What's he doing back?

Through the monitor, KO was just out of range…but Fink could hear the knocks that rumbled through the practically empty factory. She did have good hearing, after all. Fink then operated the camera, as it moved and focused onto KO.

FINK: Well, KO. Looks like you're not "little" anymore. My God, those muscles…

KO: I know you're in there. I…I come in peace.

Fink just stared at the screen, she couldn't take her sights off him. He was wearing pretty much the same gear, when he was little, and…looked the same but taller and just…well, muscular.

KO had tanned skin and brown-coloured eyes, his hair was dark brown and still had the same style, which was a shape of a square, if a little shorter this time and still wore a red sash band around it. The same low-cut white tank top with a blue sleeveless jacket and wore dark blue jeans, instead of his shorts when he was younger…Fink noticed he was still barefoot…and those carves looked like they would rip his jeans. Fink felt a comfortable cramp in her stomach…he was actually quite handsome.

He is…FIT!

Fink shook her head and dismissed these weird thoughts. She never had thoughts like that before and wasn't going to start know. She switched the furnaces off that was burning all the rubbish she was trying to get rid of and the bellowing black smoke from the chimneys slowly stopped.

OK KO Let's Be Heros: The Bond of Good and Evil (Older KO x Older Fink) Where stories live. Discover now