Chapter 11

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NOTES: WARNING! This chapter will contain strong language and upsetting moments of rape! You have been warned! DON'T READ ON IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS STUFF!

Chapter 11

It had only been a few minutes since KO left to go to the plaza and already Fink was missing him. She tried watching the film but she kept losing concentration, thinking about his warmth cuddle around her. She never had this much love for anyone before and KO changed that. It made her feel good inside...even though she hated herself for it...but it was definitely love. Fink knew she'd never be a good guy but would try to appreciate that's KO's thing and KO understood her evil ways. You could say, that they both balanced each other out...and Fink was missing that at the moment.

Fink then giggled to herself as she thought about KO's naked body and that huge cock of his...out of all the past people she had sex with, which wasn't many as they didn't really satisfy her in that department, only KO was the one who made her squirt, the pinnacle of a woman's orgasm...with each thrust hitting the G-spot and sending pleasurable spasms all over her body...

The thought of this was getting Fink excited but she didn't want to finish herself off...she'd rather KO was here, doing it for her. Fink calmed her thoughts down and put it at the back of her mind and tried to watch the film.

The movie had a spoilt, bratty teenager running away from the killer.


Fink cheered for the bad guy of course and seeing the good guys being killed off, though some of them pretty much deserved it, really cheered her up. She hated that good guys always won...not just because she's a bad guy but because she's been in that position before, and it felt horrible losing. It was always the good guys winning...

The bratty teenager was lost in the woods, looking around and panicking. The killer was nowhere to be seen.

FINK: Heehee. Turn around and meet your fate!

The bratty blonde cliché turned around and then the camera zoomed into the killers face, his eyes wide and looking down at his obvious victim. The girl screamed as the killer raised his machete and brought the blade down into the girls head with a wetly thud. The screaming quickly stopped and Fink rolled around laughing.

FINK: Haha!

KILLER (From Movie): You're dead meat, bitch!

FINK: (Sighs oddly happily) Why can't good guys go down this easy...?

VOICE: I do go down...(This startled Fink who fell off the sofa)...on you, at least.

Fink got up quickly, her heart racing...but it slowed down when she realized who it was and gasped with relieve.

FINK: Shit! Your scared me, KO.

KO was leaning on the door frame, with his arms folded. He had an odd smile across his face.

KO: I didn't think you could scare that easily, Fink.

FINK: Well, I didn't hear you come in and-...(Puzzled) Hang on, weren't you on your way to Gars?

KO: Oh. I've...already been.

OK KO Let's Be Heros: The Bond of Good and Evil (Older KO x Older Fink) Where stories live. Discover now