Chapter 7

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NOTES: Contains some swearing...but not much to be fair.

Chapter 7

It had been less than an hour since KO met up with his old friends and work colleges. They talked about the past and the things they got up to in the past 11 years. KO was welcomed back and it was wonderful to catch up with his friends. Enid and Rad were older and wiser...well, Enid was at least. Their appearance hadn't changed, except she had a tattoo of a black cat, wearing a witch's hat, holding nunchucks

Enid talked about her witch schooling and learnt more powers that she never knew she possessed and Rad went for military training, in which he cried most of the time but passed with flying colours, though Rad lied he never cried once.

KO loved catching up with his friends and listened to their stories without interrupting them. He was a little reluctant to tell them about Fink but mention the traveling he did. He didn't bring up the conversation about his dad and was surprised Enid and Rad hadn't mentioned it. Maybe it didn't seem important but KO knew it'd eventually be mention at some point.

ENID: So, KO, why are you back? I bet you saw some beautiful locations on your travels, so why come back here?

KO: Oh. I just...missed the place.

RAD: (Smug) You missed me, I get it, little bro.

KO: Uh. Actually, no I didn't. I didn't realise you two were still here. I figured that after 11 years, you two would've moved on.

RAD: Yeah, you missed me.

ENID: (Rolls her eyes at Rad) You're so full of yourself, aren't you.

RAD: Yeah. Full of confidence.

ENID: Anyway. So what of it, KO? Why come back now? I'm sure you didn't miss the mopping chores you did.

KO: Actually I loved working here. Every day was different. Different area to mop and clean, different bad guys to fight. It wasn't too bad.

ENID: Okaaaaay but you're not back here to mop. So what's the deal?

KO: Well, I was kinda wondering if I could get my old job back. Now, I'm back here for good.

On cue, Rad appears with a mop and bucket.

RAD: You're hired.

ENID: Rad, that's down to Mr. Garr.

RAD: But I don't wanna clean the toilets. They stink.

ENID: And that's why they need to be cleaned. So off you go.

Rad just grumbled and walked off.

ENID: I'll speak with Mr Gar, I'm sure he'll be happy to employ you back. You did after all save the world.

KO: Yeah...

ENID: There's more to this, KO. 11 years is a long time. I was only gone for two years and Rad for three years. Something made you come back here. I'm sure there were some may places you could've started a life. Why come back here?

OK KO Let's Be Heros: The Bond of Good and Evil (Older KO x Older Fink) Where stories live. Discover now