Chapter 8

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NOTES: This chapter will contain strong language (Surprise) and a quickie.

Chapter 8

KO led Fink to Mr Gars office.

Fink had a quick look around, mostly posters of Mr Gar being El Bow and pictures of Carol and lots and lots of fighting trophies and newspaper clippings...and the old paperwork of his business. KO closed the door.

He closed his eyes...and sighed...then took a deep breath.

KO: Okay, Fink. (Turns around) You wanna talk? Then talk!

FINK: (Shrugs) I'm…not sure what to say.

KO: So you're wasting my time again. Fantastic.

FINK: No. (Sighs)…I was running through my head what I was going to say, but it just didn't come out right. I thought it'd be easier to say it now….

KO: Well, let me help you with that. (Very slowly walks towards Fink) You could say "Sorry", that'd be a good start. Sorry for killing my father, sorry for making me believe I killed my father, sorry for lying to me, sorry for tricking me, sorry for deceiving me, sorry for confusing me and…sorry for lying to me, yes, I realise I said that twice but I figured it was that important, that I'd mentioned it again. (Fink just looks at the floor). More importantly…you could say…sorry for hurting me…

FINK: (Starts to sob) I'm sorry…

KO: Oh, here come the tears!


KO: I can't believe a bad guy like you is crying. I didn't think you had any remorse or any emotion. Then again, is this crocodile tears? Are you faking it?


KO: Huh. I just don't know anymore. How can I trust you…?

FINK: I…I suppose you can't.

KO turns around, walking around the room, rubbing his chin.

KO: That's probably the most honest thing you've ever said…

FINK: No, it's not.

KO: Excuse me?

FINK: I was honest with you for one thing…

KO: Which was…?

FINK: (Sniffs and wipes her nose) You know what I'm talking about.

KO thought about this…he couldn't put his finger on it, the only thing that eventually came to his head…was the sex.

KO: What, the sex?

FINK: It wasn't just sex though, was it? What we had in those moments, those…(Blushing)…amazing moments. That was love, KO! (KO scoffs) And don't you deny it! Because you felt love too, I know you did. When our bodies connected…it was like electricity. We were one.

OK KO Let's Be Heros: The Bond of Good and Evil (Older KO x Older Fink) Where stories live. Discover now