Chapter 10

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NOTES: This chapter will contain swearing and sexual references. Nothing bad though.

Chapter 10

After their shower sex, KO was drying himself off, sitting on the toilet, with the seat closed of course. As he rubbed his legs dry, he looked up at Fink, who had a towel wrapped around her…that thing looked too tight around her, but she wasn't fazed as she was facing the mirror, brushing her messy wet hair. KO smiled…as he couldn't believe the luck he had, having someone like her in his life. Fink saw KO look at her in the reflection and slyly smiled back and winked at him. KO's life was perfect.

After a while, they both sat on a sofa, so messy that it looked like it was bought from outside a dump…as side from a few coffee stains it was surprisingly comfortable. Fink pressed a button that was fused with the sofa and a screen appeared in front of them. They were about to watch a movie.


KO: Yeah?

FINK: Just changing the subject a little. (Deadpanly) Have you ever done anal to a girl?

KO was taken back by the question and despite what those two had recently done, he was a little embarrassed by the question. Fink just stared at the blank glowing screen, waiting for an answer…but in her head, she was giggling to herself.

KO: Uh…(Blushes) Not…what I know of, no. Why'd you ask?

FINK: (Shrugs) Just curious. (Presses a button to start the movie)

KO: Why…? Have you?


KO: (Spouts a little) Did you…want to…?

FINK: Not really. I heard it's good but, the idea doesn't really suit with me.

KO: (Confused) Then why did you ask me?

FINK: Like I said, just curious. Besides, I don't think your fella would fit in me.

KO: That's…really random. What a strange question to ask me.

FINK: Just small talk.

KO: That's some small talk.

FINK: Expect more random questions from me in the future.

KO: What, related to sex…?

FINK: (Shrugs and smiles) Probably.

KO: Uh…(Changes the subject) So…what film are we watching?

FINK: Some gory film with a high body count on kills.

KO: Gory…?

FINK: Yeah, it's called Dead Meat.

KO: I see. I don't suppose you've got any comedies, maybe some romances in your collection?

FINK: Romances? Ugh. Boring! To yukky for me.

KO: And gory films aren't?

OK KO Let's Be Heros: The Bond of Good and Evil (Older KO x Older Fink) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin