Chapter 9. Wait, What?

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NOTES: No, wait, hang on! The story ended! What is this? The story ended happily. There's no need to read on. Ignore the writ-

No such thing as happy endings.

This Chapter will contain swearing and stuff…

Chapter 9

11 years ago…

Professor Venomous was sitting at his desk…his head in his hands and his eyes closed. He didn't move or say anything. He looked completely exhausted.

Suddenly, without any warning…Fink came crashing into his room, smacking hard into the floor. She slowly got up, bruised, in pain and badly bruised. She whimpered a little before seeing her boss sitting at the desk but his back towards her.

FINK: Boss…? BOSS! That stinky momma's boy and his friends blasted me with their love beam!

VENOMOUS: (Not paying too much attention) Oh, that's nice…

It wasn't the response Fink wanted…since Venomous does care about her, but this time he just seems to be pushing aside her problem. Fink looked at the floor in mild defeat but decided to change the subject.

FINK: Uh, boss…? (Presses her fingers together) You wouldn't be able to uh…make me a cupcake, would you? I…I kinda got a craving for one.

VENOMOUS: (Opens his eyes, sweat dripping down him) Huh, a cupcake? (Sigh) I'm sorry, Fink, I'm too tired.

FINK: Oh, okay. Whatever. (She then smiles) Hey, I know, maybe we can make 'em together. What do ya say, boss?

VENOMOUS: (Losing his patience's slightly) Ugh! NOT NOW, FINK! (Rubs his eyes) Why…don't you play with one of your presents?

Fink looks at him sadly, this wasn't the Professor she knew…but understood how tired he was…

FINK: Yes, boss…

VENOMOUS: I'll call you when I need you!

Fink slowly walked out of his office, she opened the door and looked back at him…she sighed sadly and closed the door. As soon as the door clicked, Venomous grumbled.

VENOMOUS: God sake…

You don't need her!

VENOMOUS: Huh? What…?

You don't need her!

VENOMOUS: Ugh! Leave me alone!

I'm just saying, you don't need her…not really…

VENOMOUS: Damn it! Just get out of my head! Go away!

He quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom. He turns the cold water tap on and cups his hands to catch the water and splashes it all over his face. He starts to breath heavily.

OK KO Let's Be Heros: The Bond of Good and Evil (Older KO x Older Fink) Where stories live. Discover now