Not a chapter just a little heads up

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Hey there! So remember when I said I had outdoor school in two weeks?


I'm in middle school and its  kinda-no-really not a good choice for me. So me and my mom decided to homeschool me starting tomorrow!

I know it doesn't really sound that exciting... but this one girl who we will call... Bitchy white girl, we're friends in elementary.

But then when 5th grade hit, she said she was 'too Good's for me. I cried obviously. She was one of my good, trusted, and BEST friend.

Then she did terrible things to me:

1. Make slick comments about me

2. Constantly roll her eyes when she sees me

3. Laughs at me for no reason just to make me feel bad

and something that changed my life...

4. Tell rumors about me

And I know what you're thinking, that I'm just be in over dramatic. But when she told rumors to my other best friends they turned there backs on me and left me to rot.

So home schooling is a good choice for me.

Bbbuuuttt the point is that since I'm getting home schooled.... I'll be able to write more! (Kinda) so yea I love you and I'm writing right now for the next chapter! Love you!

❤Baku-child❤ out! 💥💥💥

word count: 217

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