Author's Notes

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Dear Reader,

Thank you for your interest in my work.

If you've read my other book, then you know that this is Book 2 of the story. If you haven't, well, there you go.

I suggest that you read The Sun, The Moon, and Their Stars first. Though this story may stand alone, I think it will be better if you know the characters' backgrounds too, which Book 1 pretty much covered.

I wrote in the previous Notes that this follow-up story is more dramatic, serious, and mature. And by that, I mean there are themes about (but not limited to) bereavement, violent tendencies, and mental health issues. And there may be occasional swear words for a more realistic narrative. So, I suggest as well that you read with caution.

Thanks again. And I hope you like this.

- Kath 🤓

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