36 : Knock

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I'm not holding back anymore.

Just say them, I tell myself as I dry my hands. Stop thinking, and just do.

I crumple the paper towel and throw it to the bin. I breathe out first. Then I open the door and step out.

I look up and see Kelvin standing at the other side of the hallway, staring straight at me like he's been waiting there this whole time.

I say, "Hey, it's—"

He approaches, and his knuckles instantly meet my jaw.

Things are spinning for a second. I lose balance and stumble to my right.

Shit. That hurts.

Kim's big brother is literally big and athletic. He's also more grown-up now. And it's no surprise that he can throw a punch. He must have been looking forward to this moment for years now, but I don't blame him.

"That's for my sister," he says. And he sounds full of contempt.

I was about to say, 'it's nice to see you.' Now it would be more appropriate to say, 'it's not nice to see you.'

And said sister suddenly appears on his side. She quietly stands there and glances alternately at us.

Kelvin takes a step forward, stands near me, and puts his hands on his hips.

I raise my hands. "I'm not going to fight you," I mumble.

He sighs and drops his arms to his sides. "Get up," he says, offering me one hand as well.

I stare at him first. He nods. So, I take it and slowly lift my butt off the floor. I lean my back on the wall for support and to regain my balance.

"Stay here and don't move," he says to me. Then he looks at Kim. "Both of you," he says to his sister and me.

He turns around and leaves, shaking off the hand that punched me as he walks.

Kim obediently stands there like a mechanical toy, immobile, as if she's waiting for someone to push the 'on' button to bring her back to life.

I check the part of my face where he punched me. It's not bleeding, and nothing feels broken.

That's good, I think.

But. Shit. That. Hurts.

I stare back at her. And we just stand here saying things and nothing at the same time with just our eyes until Kelvin comes back with a glass full of ice cubes.

He gives it to Kim. "You're going to need that," he says to me. Then he nods at her and leaves.

"I-I-I'm...sorry," she finally speaks.

I stand up straight. "It's not your fault," I say as I take that glass from her hands.

"Come on," she says with a sigh. "Follow me."

We go back to room 315.

Kim closes the door and locks it this time. She lifts her bag and puts it on the other bed. She digs through it and takes out a handkerchief.

"Sit down," she tells me. "Give me the ice."

I do as she says, and I sit down on the empty bed.

She puts the glass on the bedside table, wraps pieces of ice with the hanky, and hands it to me.

"Thanks," I say.

She spins around and switches on the air-conditioning. "I'm sorry," she says again when she turns back to me.

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