Chapter Ten: Healing Ritual

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Lux ran to meet Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker at the door to his apartment. They swept in with their long Jedi cloaks just brushing the floor in an impressive manner, like they meant business.

 “Where is she?” asked Windu, in a tone so low that it almost didn’t sound like a question.

“This way. Please, tell me that you can help her.” There was genuine anguish in his voice as he said the latter. All of the Jedi present had already guessed what the situation was with Lux and her.  

Anakin looked equally worried. “We will try, Senator. We’ll need to see her before we can assume anything.” 

Lux pulled him aside for a moment. “What happened? Why are you with members of the Jedi Council?” 

“I am now one of those members,” he said, in a tone that would have, to a trained eye, concealed happiness, but in this case only conveyed fear. Fear of loss. “But I’m too scared for her to be glad about it. And they thought that the strong connection between my old padawan and me might aid in the work.” 

Hm? A Jedi Master, especially Anakin, actually admitting that he’s scared? He really has changed, thought Lux. Suddenly his worry overcame him again, but by then the Jedi had already made their way into Ahsoka’s room. 

They walked around her, a mystic spectacle in flowing, earthen-toned robes, their occupants almost invisible underneath due to the hoods; with the exception of Master Yoda, who wore a white cloak and no hood. The Jedi Masters formed a near-complete hexagon around her, only incomplete because Ahsoka’s bed was up against the wall in one place. They then proceeded to act out a strange ritual. 

Master Yoda, who stood at the foot of the bed, started moving his small hands about on the air as if summoning the Light Side of the Force. After he had done the elaborate motion twice, Windu, who stood to the left of him, did it too. Then, at the same interval, Master Mundi took up the motion, so that Yoda and the two that the Jedi that stood to his immediate right and left were doing it, with the exact same timing. 

Then, under Lux’s fascinated gaze, Obi-Wan and Anakin, who stood on either side of Ahsoka, lowered their hands in a way that was almost mechanical, like clockwork. Their hands hovered over her, without touching her, with Anakin’s hovering over her heart and Obi-Wan’s over her forehead, as if to symbolize the roles they had one managed in her life. Anakin as a beloved mentor and cherished friend, and his old Master as her guide in the ways of the Force and as a counselor. She loved them both equally, but in different ways. 

Then something truly incredible happened. A glow emanated from their hands, and golden tendrils raced from their fingers in a way that looked like lightening, but was calmer, more flowing. It almost looked like shining, golden water. The lines darted and danced away from them and towards her, lifting Ahsoka a full foot into the air. 

Suddenly their was an explosion of light and wind, and Lux covered his face, as the strange mix of light and air flowed over him, and made Jedi cloaks glow. When the wind started, all movements except those of Anakin and Obi-Wan stopped. 

Soon their hands lowered, and Ahsoka was lowered by an invisible force – or the Force – and lain back down on the sheets of her bed. Her two Jedi friends straightened up to a standing position, and released the golden tendrils that still embalmed her. 

 They whirled around her, faster and faster, and then suddenly stopped. They were gone, but not fully: they were inside her, and made her glow again faintly, then disappeared.

*I wanted to explore the spiritual side of being a Jedi - other than meditation and using the Force with epic music in the background - so I made this ritual up. Now read on!* 

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