Chapter 6

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The council room froze, becoming quieter than it had been before. The other men at the table expectantly stared at me, amber eyes searching my face without ever meeting my golden iris. Slowly, I inclined my head, letting a lock of hair fall down as I nodded.

"It would seem so," I drawled.

I could almost feel Fenris smirk from next to me.

Next, the Beta turned to my soulmate, perched on the armrest of the throne I was sat on. My upper lip lifted in a ghost of a snarl as he critically observed Fenris. His amber eyes narrowed when the large male at my right just raised the corners of his mouth in a dangerous smile.

"And who is this?"

I set a sharp-nailed hand on Fenris' forearm as he bent down and kissed my neck lightly, stating his claim on me just as I did on him.

"He is my soulmate, Alpha Fenris, holder of Fenrir's wild," I sent a circular glare, "Anyone who dare try to hurt him will not only have him to answer to, but me too. You do not wish to anger us."

The Beta nodded, and leaned back into his chair.

I like it when you get all possessive. Cute and scary at the same time, Fenris slithered into my head, a tendril of his power caressing mine.

Cute, huh? You always find ways to make me blush.

"Alpha?" I turned to the Head Warrior, but left my mind open for Fenris.

Alpha? he mocked in my head.

I sent him a half glare.


"Who are the—" he seemed to hesitate there, "—females you brought with you? And the males?"

"You may ask them yourself, Head Warrior."

Sahara and Eclipse stepped forward from where they'd been lounging in wolf state around my throne.

We are Alphas Eclipse and Sahara of the Shifting Shadows, Eclipse spoke up.

The Shifting Shadows are a Pack of elite Warriors that vow to protect Alpha Cassandra, her soulmate, and any of their offspring, explained Sahara, nodding in turn at her Pack and then me.

Through our private link, I sent out a teasing smile, Wow, Sahara, didn't know you loved me so much.

She rolled her eyes at me.

"And what of the others?" the Head Warrior gestures towards Teras, Lycaon and Morrigan, and then to where Geri and Freki nuzzling their mates.

     Lycaon rose to his feet, hackles bristling.

Do you really not know who the Great Warriors are, pup?

The male blanched but stood his ground, "We were not taught in depth."

     I sniffed the air. He didn't smell like lies.

"What were you taught then?" Morrigan had shifted, dressing herself in a long black dress similar to the red one she'd woven out of thin air for me.

"That females were inferior, that rank was not given but earned, and that making pups was the first preoccupation," Morrigan raised an eyebrow. "And the other stuff like math and Amarukish and science."

"Well that won't do," I decided. "All Wolves are equal, and the first preoccupation of this species should be insuring that. Not popping out kids that will be raised in a sexist society."

"It has been the way of the ancestors for centuries, female. It must be for a reason," one of the elderly Wolves spoke up.

     I whipped my head around and glared at him through my golden eye. He had graying hair and a stern face with hateful light green irises.

     I instantly disliked him. He stank of hate, arrogance and negativity.

"Alpha, elder. I am your Alpha, not a mere female. If you contest to this, then by all means fight me. I will beat you, and I will make you submit, and you will see that I am, indeed, your Alpha," my speech came out as a half snarl, power extending across the room like a spider's web.

"Beta Ranalufr can easily defeat you."

"Beta Ranalufr has not yet challenged me," I turned to the bear-like male. "Do you wish to challenge me?"

The male shook his head.

"No. To me you are a worthy Alpha. You defeated the pup that had stolen your place, like you defeated his brother a month or two ago. I am willing to lay my life for you," he rested his fist on his heart, bowing slightly.

I nodded in return.

"As I am willing to lay my life for the sake of my Pack," I looked up at the elderly Wolf, hackles raised. "Shall we talk about all the females that have marked our history? Amarok of Deep Snow Pack from the North Clan gave her life to save Ulfur, and even the rest of Wulf. Rose of Wild Horse Pack from East Clan built an army to defeat Witches from the Human Dimension. Star of Fuego Fatuo Manada from Lobisomem killed the Alpha Dictator and was crowned Alpha Queen of her country. And these are only three examples. There are many, many more."

Spoken like a true Queen, my Little Wolf.

     I kissed him delicately on the neck.

You should speak too, my King. Show them I deserve you as you deserve me.

     I blinked at the council.

"Do you have any questions?"

"Will our roles be taken?" it was the Head Tracker, a long and lean male that hadn't spoken a word since the start.

However, I knew he had been watching, observing my weaknesses, smelling out my emotions. He was a Tracker after all.

"If any of these Wolves wish to challenge you, you might."

A/N) so yeah, I'm late, but I wasn't in a very good place yesterday and I didn't feel like writing at all, so sorry.
But it's here!!
So, what do y'all think?
Ranalufr was given by Jahunta99 , so thank her😘😘
Don't worry, chocolatechip130 yours will be used too...
- Lexie

Which is your favorite council member till now?

The Beta, but I have a feeling that'll be the common answer...

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