Chapter 1: Soldiers that got away

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Year 2023, a corrupted city called Bluebird City, the place with no justice, no freedom, no mercy, survived is the only choice, this is the story of how two cousin choose a new path

Somewhere in St. Melham Street

Corbin: did we lost them?

Miles: *looks around* yep, we lost them

Corbin: *sigh* damnit Miles, I told you try not to blow our cover

Mile: I was panicked okay, sorry

Miles felt sorry for what he did recently, Corbin felt disappointed to his cousin.

Geist leader: I'll find you Corbin, I'll fucking find you!!, this isn't over, you hear me fucker?!

Miles: *ask miserably* damn, this Mofo really wants you do they?

Corbin: I don't know what they want from me, but this is bad. If we keep doing this forever, We'll never survive

Miles: Chill Cousin, we can fix this

Corbin: Chill?, how can we chill if we get killed by those psychopaths?

Miles: *patted Corbin's back* trust me, I know we can do this, for your brother

Corbin: *think clearly* alright. For my brother. By the way, uh, how's your arm?

Miles examined is cyborg arm and fixed some errors and malfunction

Mile: *fixing* yup, it's still stable, but it needs to upgrade, I can't handle it much longer

Corbin: *nodded* alright, let's head back to your apartment and let me upgrade and fix your cyborg arm

Corbin was a highly trained Combat engineer during the war of 2020, but he retired during 2021, also Corbin has an ability to fix broken parts including cars, planes, chopper, etc.

Miles: *raised is left eyebrow* are you sure that you know how to fix it

Corbin: yep, plus. I can upgrade your gyro stabilizer for your gaming skill

Miles is smarter than Corbin, but he doesn't know how to do what Corbin's gonna do, sometimes he felt clumsy, he has a lot of energy than Corbin, he also loves to play Battlefield

Miles: thanks, you're the best cousin

Corbin: no need for thanks, because I don't have enough space for my "thanks" cabinet

They both laugh, Suddenly. Once they get up the floor, they saw a blue portal that leads to the different universe

Corbin: *shocked* what the... hell?

Mile: *shocked* why is the portal comes out of nowhere?

Corbin: I don't know, doctor who vibes I guess?, let's step inside the portal

Miles: *panicked* are you crazy?!, what if that thing tries to kill us both

Corbin: stop being a pussy and get in the goddamn portal

Mile: alright, but you go first

Corbin: fine, suit yourself

Once they step inside the portal, the group of Geist mercenaries found them stepping inside the portal

Geist mercenary: there they are, after them!!

The Geist mercenaries charges toward them and they both quickly get in the portal without hesitation

Corbin: *panicked* C'mon, get in the portal

They both got in into the portal, once they got inside the portal, they got really mad because they were too late to capture both of them

Geist Mercenary: *Raged* I'll fucking get you, Corbin Sheperd!!!

Cousins fell down into the portal and they both screaming and frightened, afterwards, they saw another portal that will pass to the other different universe

Miles: *screaming* we're gonna die!!

Corbin: *screaming* hold my hand!!

They both screaming and screaming till they landed near the soft grass and survived, once both of them lying low on the ground, Corbin passed out and Miles feel unconscious

Miles: *woozing* okay man...

Suddenly, he saw both lluminated figure standing beside them, one figure is color red and the other one is green

Miles: *lightly tone* help

Miles passed out with Corbin, once they passed out, the dark figure carries both of them and left

To be continued...

War of 2020: SMG4 Story (improvements)Where stories live. Discover now