Victory....? (Non-Canon)

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Original author:

Original book:
Definition of Insanity, Final Chapter: Victory...?

Toad: Now my fellow toad, We will kill all the remaining pirates, and become the-

Suddenly, a gunshot heard from the distance, and Toad got injured.

Toad Minion: Master Toad has been shot, RUN!!!

The toads are running away from the base, leaving Toad behind.

Toad: hey come back here you fools!!!

A dark figure slowly appeared in front of Toad.


The figure slowly crouched down to Toad and reveal his face.

???: Hey asshole, miss me?

Toad: Sheperd?!

Corbin: What did tell you not to cause any trouble with your friend during their holiday, but you didn't listen to what I say, now you gonna pay.

Toad: Please has mercy, You can ask anything that you want from me!!

Corbin: Oh, I know what I really want from you.

Toad: w-what do you want me to do?!

Corbin: Hey!! I found your boyfriend!!

Suddenly, she jumps over the bushes and revealed herself.


Toad: Oh fuck...

Toadette: hey, thanks for finding my boyfriend Mr. Sheperd, here's your reward.

Toadette gives Corbin 20$.

Corbin: no problem Toadette, I'll keep on eye on your boyfriend just to make sure he's causing troublesome again.

Toad: H-honey, long time no see

Toadette grabs Toad ear's tighter, making Corbin laugh a bit.

Toadette: It's nice to hear that sweetie!! But right now let's go for our honeymoon.

Toad: NOOOOO!!!!

Toad and Toadette went straight to the boat and went offshore through the sunset above.

Corbin: goodbye, have a great time you two.

Mario:...What the fuck just happen?!

Corbin: Oh shit, why you all tied up?

Jason: wasn't that important?! Let us go and fix up my fucking finger, it hurts like hell!!

Corbin: just wait, no need to shout man.

Corbin removes all the ropes using his M9 bayonet, and Jason went inside the house, stitch up his finger.

Mario: Thanks for saving us sucker.

Corbin: anytime fatso.

Glitchy: Hey Sheperd, how did you find us?

Corbin: simple...


Corbin is sleeping near the bench, wrapped his faced with the magazine.
Suddenly, a big sound of an explosion coming from the ocean, making Corbin startled.

Corbin:....what the hell?

Corbin picks up his binoculars and sees what is going on. Corbin watches his friend getting captured by the pirates, making Corbin mad.

Corbin: are you shitting with me?...

*flashback ended*

Corbin: and that's pretty much it, I went here for a holiday and I decided to save your asses from Toad.

Meggy: hold on a minute, you were here on this crazy island this whole time?!

Corbin: yup.

Ajay: you know this island very hostile, lots of pirates will try to kill you.

Corbin: Well, not much of a problem their kid, I handle that bastard.

Ajay: in what way?

Corbin: Well...



Corbin buried a lot of pirates, making the rest of the pirates frightened.

Pirates: Aaaghhh!!!

Corbin: Oh no, here comes the rainbow!!

Pirate: Oh God no, NO!!

*flashback ended*

Corbin: I buried them and pee each one of the pirates.

Ajay: that's unfortunate, Oh God.

Jason came back, finally stitch his finger.

Corbin: Oh hey man, how's your finger.

Jason: it's good, are you one of those Hurks gang?

Corbin: No

Meggy: he's on our side Jason, he's name is Corbin.

Jason: well Corbin, I appreciate your help in saving our village and your friend.

Corbin: well, Thank you too for protecting my friends on this island, I'll give you respect for your opportunity.

Jason and Corbin both shake a hand, giving them respect.

Tari: wait, aren't you supposed to be together with Miles?

Corbin: yeah? Why'd you said that blue jay?

Tari: where's Miles? How is he?

Corbin: Miles? He's fine. He's taking fishing near the ocean.

Glitchy: where?


The end...

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