Chapter 3: Big Fan

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In one case he enters SMG4 room, he inspects around the area and feel satisfied that his room was cleaner than it should be.

Corbin: *satisfy* damn, I have never seen your room much that of cleanliness

Glitches: Well, I got OCD ok?,I don't want to ruin it.

Corbin: alright, I get your point

Corbin finally meets his cousin Miles, sleeping like a baby, from that moment, Corbin wakes Miles up

Corbin: *Patting* hey, you okay dude?

Miles: *awaken* hey, Corbin what's up?

Corbin: morning, sleepyhead, it's time to wake up

Mile: let me brush off for a second

Once he proceeds to remove his blanket, he was astonished that he got a new upgraded Cyborg arm, it is now a full Matte color purple with an upgrade of a gyro stabilizer

Miles: *shocked* woah, did you just upgraded yourself?

Corbin: no, he did *points to SMG4*

Miles: did you upgrade my arm?

Glitchy: yup, I just upgraded your arm and turn it into a gamer mode, but you can change any types of mode you wanted as long you keep it as your personal settings

Miles is very excited of his new upgraded arm, first off he choose music

Miles: hmm, let me try this *plays music*

Once he played the music with 100% equalizer, the ground shakes harder like an earthquake, SMG4 and his crew panicked at the same time, Corbin casually sitting like nothing happened, because he already experienced it during the war of 2020

Miles: *shouted* dude, how are you not panicking?

Corbin: *shouted* because I already try this before

Glitches: *panicked* turn off the god damn music, the castle will starting to collapsed!!!

Miles quickly turn off the music and it stop, SMG4's room is not so clean as should be, the books we're completely scattered, frames we're misplaced, etc.

Mile: Sorry, I did not know that's gonna happen

Glitches: *sigh* just don't do it next time please, everyone was worried

Corbin: well not me, this shit happened all the time when I personally joined the war

Moments after, Tari enters SMG4's room and tell him what happened

Tari: *scared* Was that an earthquake?

Glitches: false alarm Tari, We're just testing Miles new arm that I've upgraded.

Tari: Oh ok, just be careful next time, alright Glitchy? *kissed*

She kissed SMG4 in the cheek and feel red on his cheek like a tomato

Glitchy: *blushed* ok, I will~

Miles look at Tari, he smiled when he see her

Miles: say, are you Tari?

Tari: why yes Miles, I am Tari the ultimate gamer

Miles squealed for joy of happiness, Corbin starts to get annoyed on his Cousin grinned smile


Tari: *struggled* ok, can you put me down please

Miles: oh, sorry *put Tari down*

Miles is very big fan of Meta Runner, also. He got a lot of merchandise of her back from his apartment

Miles: *smiled* I cannot believe, it's you... but you look, smaller and more chubbier than I expected, but who cares, I just finally meet you as a person, oh. Can we take a selfie?

Tari: *nervously* uhh...sure why not?

They're both taking a selfie and Tari felt happy when she first met a meta runner fan, To be fact. Tari is shorter than the Meta runner universe, Miles is just big as Corbin but no muscle

Miles: thanks Tari, I am so happy right now

Tari: uh thanks Miles, never knew I had fans before

SMG4: I cannot what I'm seeing right now but ok?

Corbin: isn't it weird, my cousin was a male cyborg and your........ Girlfriend, was a female cyborg, wasn't that coincidence?

Both blushed at the same time once they hear "girlfriend"

Tari: *blushed* what are you talking about, I have no boyfriend

Glitchy: *blushed* yeah what are you talking about Corbin?

Corbin: well, you two look perfect because both of you wears a same color

They immediately blushed and turn their head in the opposite side of the wall

Glitchy: *blushed harder* ok your making it worst!!

Tari: *hides under the hood* please, we'll discussed that later okay?

Corbin: sorry, I was just kidding chill

The two lovebirds stays quiet and forget about everything

Corbin: anyway, I need to go outside and catch some fresh air

Glitchy: ok, just go ahead

Corbin: Dude, are you coming?

Miles: nah I'll just stay in here, I'm tired of all those crazy adventures out there Corbin

Corbin: if you say so...

Corbin goes outside from the porch and take a smoke for a minute, a second in a half later, he look up in the sky and tries to think

Corbin: *smoking* welp, this is it brother, just like we promise. Once we found a new life, we can able to stop this madness and ran on to a new world, or perhaps a different universe, that sounds ironic right *chuckled*, but I know. It's to hard to make out without you brother, but this time, we'll make it different.

Corbin just standing there silence, then suddenly...

To be continued

War of 2020: SMG4 Story (improvements)Where stories live. Discover now