Chapter 7: Sphaget

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Meanwhile, Corbin and his friend buy some spaghetti for Mario.

Corbin: Where should I find the spaghetti? It's everywhere in this lane.

Meggy: Well, you should ask that guy.

Meggy points at shaped-liked mushroom doing his work, they walk towards the guy and ask him.

Mario: Oh, hi Shroomy.

Shroomy: Oh howdy fellas, Who's your new fellow?

Meggy: this is Corbin, Corbin this is Shroomy.

They both shake hands

Corbin: Hey, nice hat.

Shroomy: Thanks, a scout will always wear a hat.

Corbin: in here?

Shroomy: I'm here for the money, to give a donation to the orphanage.

Meggy: *smiled* that sweet.

Mario: *impatience* will you tell me where's the God damn spaghetti!!

Shroomy: My pardon. Go straight, then turn left. There you will see what your looking for.

Corbin: Thanks dude.

Shroomy: No problem, helping people is my job Corbin, now time to take care of my business.

Corbin and his friend walks away and follow the way that Shroomy said.

Mario: Corbin could you tell me what Shroomy said? I really wasn't paying attention.

Corbin: For God sake Mario he said head north, then take to the east side of the objective.

Mario was bit confused what Corbin is saying.

Mario: say whaaaa???

Corbin: Sorry too much to say about Military Communication.

Meggy: he means go straight, then turn to the left Mario.

Mario: Oh, ok.

Once they made into the sphagetti lane, there is only one left, near on top of the shelves.

Mario: Oh the glory of its taste.

Corbin: let me get that for you.

Mario tries to shrug off Corbin.

Mario: NO! Let me do it myself.

Corbin: Ok?

Mario: give me a boost Corbin.

Corbin: what NO! Your weight is heavier than my fucking engineer kit.

Mario: please Corbin?

Gives Mario a puppy eye

Corbin: disgusting as fuck Mario! Eww fine!!

Corbin carry Mario and put Mario's feet on Corbin's shoulder level, Corbin cannot handle his weight because he was too heavy

Mario: c'mon stop shaking soldier, how am I gonna grab the spaghetti?

Corbin: *struggled* I can't, your too heavy.

Mario: c'mon almost got it.

Mario finally reach the spaghetti. But then the one person has also reached the spaghetti, they both looked at each other.

???: hey let go of my spaghetti!!

Mario: SMG3?!

SMG3: you heard me loser, IT'S MINE!!

Corbin: *struggled* I can't feel the pressure!!

Meggy: let go of him SMG3!!

SMG3: shut up bitch, it's my spaghetti!!

Mario: hey, don't call her a bitch SMG3!!

SMG3: let. It. GO!!!

SMG3 forcely Grabs the spaghetti and make them both fell to the ground, then he ran away.

Corbin: Ouch.

Meggy: he's getting away!!!

Mario: get him Corbin!

Corbin: why me? I'm not your fucking K9! Why don't you go chase that bitch.

Mario: fine you lazy bum.

They both chased SMG3 to get his sphagetti back and Corbin slowly gets up and follow them.

Corbin: wait up guys!!!

To be continued....

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