The ultimate prank on Corbin (short canon)

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In the mushroom kingdom, Mario and Meggy try to search for some funny videos from YouTube.

Mario: Hmm, what should we watch?

Meggy: Not so sure. [She found the video that Mario wants it] Hey Red, what about this one?

Mario: [clicked the video]


Mario and Meggy: HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Meggy: [Cries] Oh my God, I can't breathe from laughter.

Mario: Me too!! This is funny as shit.[Once he stops laughing, Mario has a great idea] Hey Meggy, I have a brilliant idea.

Meggy: what's is it Red?

Mario: why don't we pranked Corbin? Just like in the video.

Meggy: [shocked] WHAT?! are you insane, Corbin will kill you if you do something bad about him.

Mario: Don't worry Meggy, Mario will know the way.

Meggy: Uhm ok Red, if you say so.

Mario: [cheers] Fantastic!!

Meanwhile, outside from the peach castle

Meggy: [curious] Uhh, are you sure Red? He seems kinda busy with his work.

Mario: don't worry, Mario has a plan.
Go distracted Corbin and I'll sneak up behind him.

Meggy: sounds like a good plan Mario, let's do this. [She slowly taps Corbin on his back, shivering in fear] H-hey Corbin.

Corbin: [turns around] Oh hey Meggy, what's up?

Meggy: I was wondering, what's with those donut symbols in your dog tag.

Corbin: Oh this? Just because I like dunks.

Meggy: dunks?

Corbin: yeah dunks. Choco dunks, Strawberry dunks, ravioli dunks~

Mario: [He sneaks up behind Corbin, making sure he doesn't get caught] Mario is a stealthy ninja [finally grabs the AC and go back where he was hiding]

Corbin: ~shrimp dunks, umm...choco dunks.

Meggy: you already said that two times already.

Mario: [whispered] Psst Meggy.

Meggy: [turn her head around and see Mario holding an AC] well, thanks for sharing with your telling Corbin, Goodbye.

Corbin: A'ight, Off my work.

Meggy: so, did you get it?

Mario: right here.

Meggy: nice.

Mario: Go sneak up behind The blue guy's pants and follow what's in the video. And I, filmed it and upload the video on YouTube.

Meggy: Umm, I'm not sure about this red.

Mario: Come on, this is gonna be hilarious.

Meggy: ok Red, let's do it. [Jumps out from the bushes beside with Mario]

Mario: ready?

Meggy: yes, I am ready as you say Red.[points at his pants with an air compressor]

Mario: [whispered] Now!!

Meggy: [she blasted the air compressor to Corbin pants and fell off, making him scream in agony]

Corbin: AAHHHH!!!!

Meggy: [Crying] HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Mario: [Whizzing] OMG!! GET PRANKED BITCH!!!

Corbin: [He put his Cargo pants back on, and becomes extremely mad at the two of them] WHY YOU LITTLE RASCAL!!!

Mario: [surprised] Oh shit...

Meggy: [hold Mario's hand] RUN!!!

Corbin: [Chasing both Meggy and Mario as he could] COME HERE YOU TWO!!

The End.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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