Chapter 12: Saviour

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Mario: Oh no, She will be in danger.

Meggy: please Corbin, just keep her safe from the cyborg killer, she's my best friend and you are the only one I can trust.

Mario: can you make a promise for my girlfriend Corbin?

Corbin: promise, I will promise that no one will ever be near to her from the Geist, including my cousin Miles.

Meggy: Thanks, Corbin.

Mario: guys look.

Corbin saw the black van headed into the dark timber of the oak tree, Corbin stop and park the car beside the main road.

Corbin: you two, stay here.

Mario: but I wanna come.

Corbin: your too irritating to come with me, Mario.

Mario: Wow, what an asshole.

Meggy: be safe, Corbin.

Corbin crawl in the dirt hid behind the bushes and spy on both guys holding hostages the unknown figure.

Corbin: now what the hell are you guys up to?

???: Hey, what are we gonna do with this guy?

???2: Just make sure nobody's following us.

The other guy with a black beanie and bulky beard scans around the forest just to make sure no one's followed.

???: it's clear.

???2: ok, good.

One guy brings the android down on the ground.

Cyborg: *muffled*

Another guy slapped the cyborg and make him even angrier.

???2: shut the hell up and let my friend do his job.

???: Alright, let's see here.

One guy carefully sliced it open with his knife and revealed a small panel coming out from his chest.

Cyborg: *muffled in pain*

???: aha, I found it.

???2: good, open the panel.

???: I'm trying.

Corbin: hmm, very interesting.

Mario: very interest indeed.

Corbin flinched a little bit seeing Mario.

Corbin: Mario, what the fuck are you doing here?!

Mario: I'm getting bored waiting in the car, so I decided to follow you.

Meggy: sorry, Corbin.

Corbin: Meggy, you too?! This is unbelievable.

Mario: Mama Mia *fart*

Two figures heard a fart sound coming from behind the bushes. One guy pulls out a pistol and the other guy grabs a knife behind his back.

???2: alright, who's there!

???: show yourself!

Corbin: damn it, Mario!

Mario: sorry

Two guys walk closer near the bushes holding a knife and a gun.

Corbin: hide!!

Corbin hides behind the rock and Mario hides behind the tree with Meggy.

Meggy: whatever you do Mario, don't flinch.

Mario: ok.

???: come out, come out, wherever you are, I know you're in here.

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