Part 13: Friends

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Spectre: I was in the public area waiting for my dad to come to pick me up, but then something happens. Two guys showed up and tossed me, inside their van and quickly tied me up by the other guy with a black hoodie, and that was it, that was all I can tell.

Corbin: do you know what the guy's name is?

Spectre: no, I don't know their real name sorry.

Corbin: it's okay, at least your fine.

Mario: hey Spectre, where do you actually live?

Spectre: Well...I uh, live near the downtown street.

Meggy: where's that?

Spectre: you don't want to know.

Mario: Oh come on tell me >:(

Spectre: fine, but I'll give you a clue, somewhere near the place that there was no sun above.

Corbin: I don't get it.

Spectre: you know, only dark area surrounds, not so many people lived there.

Mario: I still don't get it.

Spectre: For fuck sake! Just don't tell me where to live Mario!

Mario: chill man :(

Meggy: well I have an idea, why don't you come to our place and hang out for a while.

Mario: Yeah, that would be great!

Spectre: umm... Ok sure...

Corbin: Spectre, your good at playing games?

Spectre: Heck yeah Corbin, Of course, I know how to play video games, even SSEOAB.

Meggy: well that's good to hear Spectre because there is only one person who can play with you.

Spectre: Who, Tari?

Mario: how did you know?

Spectre: I am her biggest fan from the Meta Runner series, she is my favorite character.

Mario: well that was also good to hear, there is someone else is the biggest fan of Tari.

Spectre: who?

Corbin: my cousin, Mile Broflovski.

Spectre: what is he? A cyborg also.

Corbin: technically, yeah. He is a cyborg.

Mario: Guys, can we go or we just standing here discussing nonsense bullshit?

Corbin: can't you wait, Mario?

Mario: C'mon, I'm tired of waiting for both of you.

Mario crossed his arm and stomping his feet.

Corbin, Spectre: fine...

Corbin and his friend, including Spectre go back to Mario's Mobile.

Mario: finally.

Corbin: are you happy now, good. Now let's get the hell out of here.

Corbin starts the car and it won't turn on. Corbin keeps rev up the car repeatedly and it still won't start.

Corbin: c'mon you piece of crap, start!!

Mario: why don't you get out and check the engine.

Corbin: great idea shitbrain.

Mario: your welcome :)

Corbin gets out of the car, open the hood and examines the engine to make sure it's alright.

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