I went off of this mess.....

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It starts off where Harry Ronald and Hermione die at the hands of Dumbledore and get reincarnated 30 years later. They go on with no memories of their past life until their inheritance. They start getting glimpses of their memories at first then it slowly starts to progress into visions. They train on all types of magic and skills for 10 more years. They get on cloaks and Harry uses his shadow magic to cover their face. But not before they put glamours on that will last until they take them off. They go on a journey find familiars and finally find Dumbledore's kingdom at #### ### ##### (made-up place). They then introduce themselves with different names and get on Dumbledore's good side (aka his little weapons). They then get a place. 1 1/2 years later they find Malfoy senior. They find out he's sick and is Dumbledore's second in command. They still try and help him they ask for the medicine but they don't get it. Dumbledore is starting to not trust them. He sends guards after them. Harry tells Ronald and Hermione to go back to the base what Harry doesn't know is the guards are waiting for them there. To not be suspicious Dumbledore let's Harry see Malfoy senior again to trap him. They go on in conversation with two guards watching and waiting. Harry already knows that they are here to trap him like Ronald and Hermione. His familiars saw it and passed the memory to him. Harry plans to get caught on purpose but without a fight to not be suspicious. After 15 min Malfoy senior gives the signal and Harry turns into a black and emerald Phoenix (one of his familiars) and speeds down the vent. Malfoy calls a code blue and guards are trying to catch Harry. (They know where he is because he sensed motion trackers in the vents. This way he can be caught but still put up a fight.) Harry keeps going through vents (5) and finally they get smart and decide to close the vents. He uses his panther speed and agility (another familiar) to go to the stairs until he's at the last floor. He smells and hears a werewolf catching up to him he slows down a little but gets to a different room that has a lot of windows first. He then stops when the werewolf growls. He gets angry because in one of his visions Remus betrayed them and is a werewolf. He backflips over the werewolf and runs up to him before he fully turned around and scratches his throat. He then passes out on purpose to get caught. (He basically turned off his body from functioning so he can pass out but wake up when there) He wakes up tied up in the middle of Hermione and Ronald. He has an idea and telepathically told his brother and sister. He tells them he'll talk but only if they put ear plugs in his siblings ears to keep their innocence. Ronald and Hermione argue with him with hidden smirks because their glamours make his siblings look younger than him. They calm down after he gives them the 'big brother, stop and listen' look and close their eyes (they are seers they know what will happen). After that the enemy complies. What the enemy doesn't know is he has siren magic and can kill human/earthly beings with his scream. With ear plugs they can kill you but not if they are siblings (they are all blood adopted, their actually siblings/children of death, no wonder Harry is the master of death because it only passes down through family and he's the oldest of the triplets). Harry screams after saying 'but first I would like to say...' and kills all the humans without creature inheritances. Dumbledore gets angry and bashes Harry's family. Harry gets mad and if your afraid of death, you'd think death is a small speck compared to Harry. Since he's the master of death he gets deaths powers plus a whole lot more. Harry kills the rest of beings except Dumbledore he's saving him for his dad. Harry gets the ear plugs out of their ears and hugs them saying how sorry he was accidentally sending them to a trap they say they saw it coming. Harry always forgets they are seers. They go on with their lives and live happily with their lovers and family.

Just remember this was a dream, weird dream in my opinion but it works!

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