Chapter 11

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'Thoughts (Telepathic too)'

"Language Of The Dead"

"Other Language"

Hadrian's POV

I wake up and take in my surroundings with a calculating gaze. I don't fail to notice im surrounded with people glaring at me. 'Rude.' I look to my right and find my siblings starting to wake up slowly. Hmm.....maybe?

'Hey guys.' -Hadrian
'Yeah?' -Lilith and Diyan
'I have an idea...' -Hadrian
A minute passes and they agree to my plan. Time to act....

"Now that you are all awake, your going to answer my questions." Dumbles states.
"Fine," I start to say with 'defeat'. I can't believe they think I'd just tell them everything, what a joke. "I'll answer your dang questions, just get something to cover my 'innocent' siblings ears." 'Hah no way are they totally innocent, they're part demons for death's sake.' (This thought isn't telepathic, just so you know.) I say with 'failure'.

Immediately protests started. The from the people surrounding us and my siblings. Of course my siblings were doing this with hidden smirks, so I had to hold in my smirk as well. The only that actually silenced the protests was Dumb-as-a-door's hand being held up. "That's fine, no harm in that." He spoke with triumph. What a joke.

As he calms down the people with few words, he also tells his guards to place silencing charms around their ears. Fine with watching what's about to happen, via their visions, they close their eyes.

(Hey! Sorry for the short chapter but I'll try to update soon!!)

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