Chapter 12

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(To those who actually read this...sorry for the wait!!)





"Language Of The Dead"

"Other Language"

Author's POV

As they close their eyes, the enemy backs away to wait for me to talk. "Can I just say one little thing first?" Hadrian asks innocently. Annoyed Dumbleass complies with a 'Hurry it up brat!'. Hadrian smirks as he begins to scream violently. Normally this would do nothing as it was a normal scream, that is to say unless your very powerful and lace your magic with the scream, which is exactly what he did.

Hadrian's scream took out more than half of the enemy's army of 50 people. Like what the hell Dumbley!? Are you that arrogant that you couldn't have had a bigger army!? Anyway before I got carried away, though Hadrian's scream could've completely destroyed the whole army, Dumbledore had only protected about 15 people with Tom's barrier. Now since Tom had invented the barrier and it was coated in Tom's magic, Hadrian's magic would never hurt his submissive's magic let alone Tom himself.

Now this just made Hadrian furious at Dumbly for using his submissive's magic. Hadrian's fury cancelled out his scream as he had to be levelheaded to use that type of magic. Now as Hadrian was already furious at Bumbledoor, Dumbledore using HIS submissive made him more enraged than his entire life.

Now if you thought Death was scary when he was furious, I'll need to warm you. Death being enraged is like a speck of dirt compared to Hadrian being enraged. Hadrian's furiousness is, compared to the dirt speck, like life. Life is like a frustrating sibling you can never be two inches away from. Very fucking infuriating and just generally annoys the hell out of you.

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