Chapter 5

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"Language Of The Dead"

"Other Language"

Hadrian's POV
Once Lilith finally gave up on trying to get me to say what I was thinking about, I motioned for Griphook to continue with the final piece of parchment.

"Okay so it basically states the properties and vaults your family owns. I will also read the money transactions from the past 45 years. Would you like me to read them or you read them when your settled?" I figured it would probably be best we get off the streets and into an actual house, plus we still need to meet our parents. So that's what I told Griphook. My siblings agreed and he started reading the last two parchments of the day, hopefully.

" Property(s):
Potter Manor
Granger House
Weasley Burrow
Peverell Palace
Godric's Hollow
Godric's Castle
Hufflepuff Cottage
Hufflepuff Castle
12 Grimmauld Place
Black Manor
Azrial Palace
Death's Palace
Demon's Castle
And Various Manors Across the World.

Potter school vault
Potter family vault
Granger vault
Weasley vault
Peverell vault
Hufflepuff vault
Slytherin vault
Gryffindor vault
Ravenclaw vault
Hogwarts vault
Black family vault
Azrial vault
Lestrange vault
Prince family vault
And many unknown vaults." He then started to read the money transactions, which made me start to get frustrated.

"10,000 galleons payed yearly to the vaults Weasley, Dumbledore, and Order of the Phoenix from the Potter, Granger, Peverell, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hogwarts, Black, Azrial, Lestrange, and Prince Vaults (made by Albus Dumbledore)

1,000 galleons transferred into 10,000 pounds ( Is the amount right? ) and payed yearly to the Dursley Bank Vaults in Surrey (made by Albus Dumbledore)."

"Can we have the blocks taken off and get the money back to our vaults with interest?" I asked calmly. "Of course, just drink this potion and all the blocks and spells will be removed, and we will take the money back with an additional 1,000 galleons per year for an apology this didn't get solved earlier." Griphook said. I told him my thanks and I drank the potion to get the blocks (that my magic missed-) off. I felt amazing and powerful. All of the knowledge of all magic and the history of the world interesting. My siblings did the same after I gave them the 'okay'.

I was surprised with how they looked, they looked completely different. I of course stayed the same because my magic got most of the glamour spells off. Lilith hadn't changed much but she got more feminine looking and her hair lost the bushy-ness but still had some curl. The only things that changed drastically were her eyes, which were now an electric purple, and her hair, which was a black to white ombré. Diyan got more feminine features, his hair turned blue almost black, and his eyes turned an electric magical blue.

We left the bank and it was around 7:00 a.m. so we went to muggle London and bought a bunch of clothes. I had gotten my eyebrow and ears pierced. My eyebrow had an emerald loop in it, my left ear had a red stud, and my right ear had a black and emerald snake that goes around my ear and to my piercing with copper eyes. I then got dressed into some of my new clothes. I put on some black military boots, black jeans, and a t-shirt that had an emerald snake on the front. I then put on a black leather jacket with the word 'Death' written elegantly across the back.

Lilith had a gothic Lolita dress with black boots on. She had also gotten her ears pierced with dog paw earrings. Diyan had a dark blue hoodie, black skinny jeans, and a plain black shirt. He hadn't gotten his ears pierced but he relented on two silver studs in his eyebrow.

We walked into Knockturn Alley and saw a pet shop. The shop was named Barry's Creatures and Familiars ( I know it's a bad name but I don't flipping care. ) so we walked in and started to look around for our familiar(s).

I followed a pull while Lilith and Diyan went somewhere else. I followed the pull to the snake section. I saw a beautiful black snake with glowing green eyes. ( What the snake looks like up top. )

~What'ssss your name beautiful?~

~I don't have a name, masssster.~

~Well I'll call you Vivian, what do you say we get you out of here?~

~Oh yessss pleasssse, masssster.~

~Call me Hadrian, we are friendssss Vivian.~

~Okay, Hadrian.~

I then walked towards another section with Vivian on my shoulders, and saw a male Shadow Phoenix egg. I picked him up and named him Shadow. I then walked to the registration and waited for my siblings.

Lilith's POV

I walked feeling a pull towards the dog section and saw a white wolf. After I opened the cage she followed while I looked for Hadrian. I saw Hadrian and walked over to him and waited for Diyan.

Diyan's POV

I walked over to the cat section and saw a black cat and then named him Samuel. I picked him up and walked over to my siblings. We payed for our familiars and their needs, and walked to a shop named Trinity's Handmade Wands. We went in and....

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