Chapter 2

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"Language Of The Dead"

"Other Language"

Harry's POV

I sighed. 'We had our inheritances last night, we don't need anything else on our plate right now. First, we were killed so that in itself was weird. Now, we all had the same dream? No! Not happening! What the fucking hell is going on!? '

While I was having disorderly thoughts, 'Mione and Ron were going over ideas of what this could mean.

"Hey! I'm just saying that possibly a writer is writing exactly what we're doing, and actually made us an-" Ron got cut off by a loud sounding crack in the fourth wall.

( RON!!! Your supposed to stick to your lines!! )

Ron: I don't flipping care!!! You ate my cookie!! And in front of me!! *angry anime face*

( Did you really have to crack the fourth wall just to get back at me for some dang cookie? *que all le deadpans* )

Ron: YES, BECAUSE IT WAS MY COOKIE!!! *angry red face*

( *le sigh* FINE!! I'll make more idiot. *grumbles under breath* )

Ron: Yay!!!

( Now, *sucks in le air* GET BACK TO THE DANG SCRIPT!!! )

///////////// //////////// /////////// ////////// ////////// /////////

I saw 'Mione had a contemplating face. " 'Mione, you have an idea?" I asked after gathering my thoughts.

"Yeah, actually. I was thinking how we all had our inheritances last night and how we all had the same dream. I don't think this is just a coincidence, Hadrian." She sounded worried.

"Speaking of inheritances, why do we look the same?" Right after I said that, as if on cue an owl flew over to us, dropped the letters in our laps, and flew away. I looked at the seal and recognized the seal that it was from Gringotts. It read....

Dear Mr. Peverell,

We have seen that you and your siblings have come into your creature inheritances last night. We request that you and your siblings come to Gringotts as soon as you and your siblings can for an inheritance test. This letter will work as a portkey. To activate the portkey say 'Goblins' and it will transport you and your siblings here as long as you are touching.

Signed Griphook

To say I was surprised was an understatement. I looked over 'Mione's shoulder to see the same result just different wording.

~Time skip brought to you by an insane author~

A few minutes later, we were ready to use the letter portkey to go to Gringotts. We each grabbed our letters while touching so we wouldn't fall when we land. We simultaneously said "Goblins!" We were in Gringotts before we even knew it. We walked up to the teller with zero people in front of him, and bowed before speaking politely. "Hello Mr. Goblin, we have letters delivered to us by Mr. Griphook requesting to see us for an inheritance test." The goblins and wizards around us stared in shock and disbelief that we payed respect to a goblin. We payed no mind to the stares although they were annoying.

"Names?" The goblin in front of us said after getting over his shock.

"Hadrian Peverell, sir." "Hermione Peverell, Mr. Goblin sir." "Ronald Peverell." We all introduced ourselves one by one getting more stares.

"Very well, follow me." He got down from his seat and lead us into an office and left the room after giving us a bow much to our shock. When we started to sit down another goblin came in the room after the other goblin left. I'm guessing he's Griphook.

"Hello Mr. Griphook, you requested to see us?" Hermione said after some silence.

"Oh yes sorry, which one of you would like to go first?" He said breaking out of his thoughts and putting three pieces of parchment onto the desk.

"I'll go." I said respectively and waited for instructions.

"Cut some skin using this ceremonial knife." He said handing me the knife. I looked at the knife wearily.

"Don't worry, this is a special knife that will heal after the right amount of blood drops on the parchment." I grabbed the knife still cautious and waited for the amount of blood to drop onto the parchment.

"Please place 7 drops of blood onto the parchment." I did as requested. After a couple of minutes, words then started to form on the paper. It read.....

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