Chapter 8

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"Language Of The Dead"

"Other Language"

Hadrian's POV
I figured it was just a coincidence, but it still shocked me. Is he sick? And how did he know I had connections to death? I told my siblings what happened and they wanted to help him. I figured, why not what harm could it do?

~The Next Day~

I visited Malfoy the next day with Diyan and Lilith. He told us he was sick but he couldn't get the medicine because he's still untrustworthy. I figured it was a lie right away, how would he be Dumbledore's right hand man if he was untrustworthy? My truth or lie detector powers went red immediately, confirming that he was in fact lying. We decided telepathically to play along and try to get his medicine. We head to a building and ask for a specific medication for Malfoy. They immediately kicked us out when we said Malfoy's name. We head home looking defeated and sleep for the night.


I wake up to rustling, and find a guard searching our house. I lay still to look like I'm sleeping. When they finally left, I knew Dumbledore didn't trust us. I woke Lilith and told her to stay here with Diyan to protect themselves. After I assured her I would be fine I left to visit Malfoy. Once I got there I knew something was wrong. I contacted my familiars through our link and found out Diyan and Lilith got captured. I kept a level head knowing this was a trap. I talked with Malfoy about how we couldn't get the medicine, so I could distract him. I figured he made the signal to capture me, because the guards got closer and closer until they were almost on top of me. I turned into an Black Phoenix and flew into a vent nearby...

(Does Hadrian get caught? Who knows!)

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