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Glory was asleep. It was a rare night for her. She got to go to bed early, and on top of that, she fell asleep quickly, despite all the things constantly moving around in her head. Fix this, do this, do that. Nothing mattered to Glory as she fell into the first deep sleep she had in a while, all her worries fading away as she started to dream. 

Glory opened her eyes. Where was she? Why wasn't she in the rainforest? Her thoughts faded away as she looked in wonder around her. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was currently in the most beautiful place she had ever seen. Giant Cherry Blossom trees were all around her as she took in the sight and smell of the forest around her. She started to fly, excited to explore this amazing place appeared in. She flew by countless numbers of trees, each one of them incredibly unique, with perfect branches, leaves, and trunks. Eventually, she saw an exit out of the forest and started to fly quickly towards it. As soon as she saw what was outside of the forest she let out a gasp as she processed what was before her. 

There was a giant river closest to her, its blue waters flowing rapidly towards a waterfall, with no bottom in sight. Past that, there was a flat area covered with bright green grass, each single blade waving at her as they moved in perfect harmony. There were a few trees here and there, but you could clearly see everything. But the thing that truly caught Glory's eye was the massive mountain the in distance. Giant clouds were being cut through it, as the beautiful mountain just stood there proud, like nothing would ever be able to bring it down. Each rock on the mountain looked like they were carved individually, with every detail coming together to make a masterpiece.

Glory looked around in awe as she flew down to the river. The water wasn't too cold, nor was it too hot. She sighed contently as she sank into the water, happy to stay here forever.

So you can guess how angry she was, when a certain Nightwing bodyguard burst through the door of her hut, sauntering in like he owned the place.

Glory jolted out of her bed, alert and ready to attack the intruder, when she saw it was just Deathbringer. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Glory angrily shouted at him. "Why are you barging into my hut this early in the morning, waking me up from my dream?"

"Well hello to you too, my queen," Deathbringer replied, a smug look on his face. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Is that too much to ask?"

"Considering the world's best bodyguard was standing guard outside my hut the whole night, like some creepy stalker, yeah, I think I'm alright." Glory shot back.

"No need to thank me, of course. I'm just doing my job," Deathbringer said with a smirk. A thoughtful expression appeared on his face. "Actually, there is another reason why I woke you up."

Glory sighed. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise!"

"Damnit Deathbringer, I don't have time for anything other than work today. I have so much paperwork to finish that I have to spend the whole day doing it!"

Deathbringer pouted. "C'mon Glory, it'll be fun! I promise that if you come with me, I'll help you finish all your paperwork when we're done!"

Glory contemplated the offer. She knew that she needed to unwind and relax, but she also needed to finish her work. But Deathy did say that he would help her after...

"Alright fine, I'll come with you."

Deathbringer grinned. "Yes! I promise you won't regret it! Follow me!"

Deathbringer took off, wings spread as he flew through the forest towards his destination, with Glory following close behind.

They were flying for a while when Glory finally spoke up.

"Where are we even going? This is really deep in the rainforest. Are you sure you know what you're doing?" 

Deathbringer smirked. "Of course I know where I'm going. I know the exact route to the place inside and out! There's no way I missed it!"

Glory rolled her eyes. She really hoped he knew where he was going, for his own sake. 

After a few more minutes of flying, Deathbringer flew down to a large tree and landed on one of its branches. Glory landed beside him, panting quickly because of how long they were flying for.

"Are we here yet? Why did we stop?" Glory asked.

"We're nearly there, but I want you to close your eyes for the rest of the way," Deathbringer answered. I feel like you would have the best expierience if you did that!"

Glory sighed. "Alright," she said. "But this better be worth flying all the way here. I could have gotten so much work done by now."

Deathbringer grinned. "Trust me, this is much better than all that paperwork."

Glory then closed her eyes, and started to fly, being guided by Deathbringer so she wouldn't crash. She could hear a waterfall in the distance, each droplet of water crashing down onto the bottom of the waterfall.

Deathbringer then slowly guided Glory towards a landing, making sure not to let his queen crash into a tree or a branch.

"You can open your eyes now." Glory slowly opened her eyes, and let out a gasp at the sight in front of her. Before her was a small beautiful waterfall that crashed down onto a lake, its crystal blue water reflecting the light shining down from above. It was the most dazzling place Glory had ever been to.

"Oh my moons Deathy, it's beautiful!" Glory gushed.

Deathbringer had a smug smile on his face. "Oh I know it is. But nothing can compare to the beauty, of the dragon that is right next to me."

Glory turned pink, a blush appearing on her face as she desperately tried to change the colours of her scales, to no avail.

"Shut up," was all she could say, as her bodyguard laughed beside her. He then grabbed her claw gently, bowing low.

"My queen, would you care to relax down in the lake with me?"

Glory blushed again. "You don't have to put on that stupid act, Deathy. Of course I will!"

The pair then flew down to the lake below, immediately jumping into the warm waters. They spent the whole day having fun in the lake, swimming around, and having water fights. The sun was setting when they finally left the lake, both of them extremely happy.

"You know Glory," Deathbringer started, "When I woke you up you said that you were in a dream. Care to tell me what it was?"

Glory smiled as she recalled the dream. "I was in a place that was amazing. It was even more beautiful than this lake. There were trees, rivers, mountains, moons it was perfect."

Glory smirked as an idea popped into her head.

"Well, it must have sucked when I woke you up then," Deathbringer replied. "It sounded better than any other place on Pyrrhia." 

"Oh I know it was. But nothing can compare to the dragon that is right next to me."

Deathbringer laughed. "Stealing my lines, I see?" He teased.

"Oh shut up Deathy, you know you love me."

He smiled lovingly at Glory. 

"I know I do, my queen."

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