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A/N: I have not read Runaway, I apologize for any mistakes I may make.

The halls of the Icewing palace were quiet. Guards were patrolling, making sure that no intruders were in the palace. Outside, guards were flying around the palace, with occasional stops to rest their wings. Their job was to watch for any intruders that might be trying to sneak into the palace. Everyone was asleep, resting for tomorrow. 

Well, almost everyone.

Prince Arctic looked out his window, watching, and waiting for the guards patrolling the area to move out of sight. Once they had flown by, Arctic walked onto his balcony, and and leaped off, spreading his wings. He had all the guard's routes memorized, so he knew how to maneuver to avoid guards spotting him. 

Arctic did all of this with a smile on his face. A certain Nightwing was in his thoughts as he flew towards their secret meeting place, a small cave that was hidden well, in an area that Icewings rarely went into. He and Foeslayer had been meeting here almost everyday, ever since they met each other.

When he finally arrived, he looked around, making sure that no one was following him, and went in the cave. They two had originally found it, one night when they snuck out to meet each other. They had been flying around in an unfamiliar area when they came across the cave. It was small, dry and best of all, it was well hidden from any Icewings that might be flying across the area for whatever reason. Foeslayer loved the spot right away. She wanted to meet here from now on, so Arctic agreed. He originally wanted to look for a safer spot, but after meeting here a few times, he had grown to love it too.

Arctic looked around the cave, confused. Foeslayer always got here first, no matter what. She said something about Nightwings being awake during the morning, but Arctic didn't care. As long as he got to be with his love, then that was all that mattered.

Panicked thoughts suddenly appeared in Arctic's mind. Where was Foeslayer?! His mind screamed. What if guards found her? What if she's in danger? I have to save her! A steely look appeared on his face. He was about to go search for Foeslayer when wings enveloped him from behind, two talons covering his eyes.

"Guess whoooo?" Foeslayer sang.

Arctic relaxed, his soldier-like stance dropping as soon as he heard Foeslayer's voice. He grinned, his voice the same playful tune as Foeslayer's.

"Hmmmm, who could it be?" He paused, pretending to be thinking hard. "Snowflake? Oh! Maybe that cute Icewing librarian! What was her name again? Caribou? Fossa? Oh, I know! Frost! Am I right?"

Foeslayer huffed, pretended to be offended. "How dare you! I'll have you know, I am Foeslayer of the Nightwings, and I will not tolerate this behaviour! I will have to punish you immediately!"

And with that, she spun Arctic around, wrapped her arms around his neck, and gave him a quick kiss. Arctic's eyes widened. But before he could react, Foeslayer pulled away, looking at his surprised expression with a smug expression. "Well?" She asked.

"Well," Arctic started. "I think that you should punish me more often," he said with a wink.

Foeslayer winked back. "I think we can arrange that." The couple looked at each other with smirks on their faces, before bursting into laughter.

"By the moons!" Foeslayer said, still giggling. "That was not something I expected to hear come out of my mouth!"

"Yeah!" Arctic agreed. "That was totally unexpected!" A smirk appeared on his face. "Though, I'm not opposed to that, y'know."

Foeslayer playfully smacked his head. "Stop!" She said while giggling. "Or else we'll always be telling dirty jokes to each other!"

The couple laughed for a few moments, before dying down after.

"Hey Arctic, can I ask you a question?" Foeslayer asked.

Arctic tilted his head curiously at her, then answered. "Yeah, of course! What is it?"

"Why were you in that soldier-like position before? It looked like you were about to go and murder somebody."

Arctic shuffled awkwardly. "Um, I thought that since I got here before you, and you didn't show up after a while, that you got caught by some Icewings while sneaking out. So I was going to save you."

Foeslayer smiled at him warmly. "That's very noble of you," she said. "But I'm pretty sure I told you a million times that I wouldn't get caught. Or were you not listening?"

"I was listening!" Arctic said indignantly. "But you never know! What if somehow a guard catches you, and sounds the alarm? You would probably be executed right away!"

"And what about you?" Foeslayer shot back. "You're the Icewing prince! You're way more likely to get caught than I am! Then we would never be able to meet each other again!"

Arctic tried to respond, but nothing came out of his mouth. He huffed, his Icewing pride getting the best of him.

Foeslayer walked up to him, and rested her right talon on his cheek, stroking it at she looked at him lovingly. "How about this," she started. "Let's promise that we won't ever leave each other, alright?"

Arctic smiled and rested his head against hers. "I promise," he said. 

"I won't ever leave you."

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