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Peril was happy. She was flying through the clear blue sky, taking in the fresh air that surrounded her. In the past few days, the weather had been pretty terrible, with Peril having to stay inside her home because of it. But miraculously, instead of the poor weather that she expected today, it had been the opposite. She had immediately left her home to go for a fly, taking advantage of the great weather.

She had been flying for quite a while now, when she felt her wings start to tire out. Even Skywings have to take a break eventually, and it was just Peril's luck that her home was nearby. She flew down to it, and walked in. Courtesy of Turtle and his magic, nothing she touched in her house burst into flames. She was eternally grateful to Turtle for that, as she didn't want to have to live in a cave for the rest of her life.

As she looked around the house for him, she was just about to call out his name when she noticed him through the doorway to the study, writing something on a scroll. She smiled, walking in quietly as to not disturb her boyfriend. Whenever Turtle was writing, it was like he was in a trance, as he was so focused that he didn't notice anything around him. He also had an expression on his face that Peril found adorable, with his tongue sticking out and his head slightly tilted to the right.

Peril looked over his shoulder and saw that he was writing a letter to his mother. In the past few months, he and his brothers had gotten closer to their mother, with Turtle being the closest, as he shared her passion of writing.

She smiled, her love for Turtle growing with each sentence she read. There were so many sweet things in the letter, such as Turtle saying how much he loved his mother and his family, and that he missed her, and would like to visit soon.

She was skimming over the letter when she noticed her name. A blush formed on her cheeks when she read about what her boyfriend had to say about her.

"And as for Peril, she is amazing. She is definitely the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's beautiful, she's strong, and everything about her personality is perfect to me. I love her to the moons and back, and I wouldn't want anyone else other than her as my girlfriend."

"Aww! I love you too, you romantic idiot!" Peril wrapped her arms around him (Another spell courtesy of Turtle) as she hugged him from behind.

"GAH!" Turtle shrieked. "Wha- Peril?" He calmed down when he noticed the red coloured arms that encompassed him. "By the moons, Peril! You almost gave me a heart attack!" He said.

Peril shot an apologetic smile at him as she let go. "Sorry 'bout that," she said. "But I just had too."

Turtle huffed before shooting Peril an accusing look. "I told you before not to look over my shoulder when I'm writing! Don't you know anything about privacy?"

"I'm sorry, okay? You know I can't help myself!" She put on her cutest expression. "Forgive me?"

Turtle stared at her for a few seconds before sighing. "Alright fine," he relented. "I forgive you. But don't do it again!"

"I won't!" She promised.

After helping him clean up his desk, Turtle's stomach suddenly rumbled loudly. He cheeks turned red as he tried to muffle the noise.

Peril chuckled. "Someone's hungry," she noted. "How about I go catch some lunch? You've been sitting for a while, so you probably shouldn't fly right now."

"No, it's fine, really," Turtle insisted. "You got lunch last time too, so it's not fair for you to go get lunch again."

Peril shrugged. "Okay," she replied. 

Turtle smiled appreciatively and got ready to leave. The couple walked to the front door of their home and opened the door.

"I'll be back soon!" He said. Peril waved goodbye as he flew off.

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