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It was time. After 4 long years of learning at Jade Mountain Academy, the first students to arrive at the school were finally graduating.

It had been a chaotic last day of school to say the least. Barely anyone could pay attention to their teachers. Even the most well behaved students were bouncing up and down in their seats, their excitement barely contained. The teachers had tried to calm the students down, but they gave up quickly.

It was the last class of the day. The students were all talking to each other excitedly, telling their friends about what they planned to do after school. The teachers let them, seeing as there was no way to stop them.

The Jade Winglet were in art class currently, with Sunny as their teacher. Each student were busy, either talking, or doing something else.

Moon was finishing up a scroll that she had borrowed from the library. Since classes were ending soon, she was frantically trying to finish the scroll.

Peril was talking with Sunny, their conversation about what she was going to be doing after she leaves the school.

"So, I was thinking about becoming a demolition worker," Peril said. "I mean, it's perfect right? I can use my firescales to do something good, AND I get to destroy stuff! It's a win-win!"

Sunny had a skeptical look on her face. "Are... you sure that's a good idea Peril? I mean, what if you accidentally burn up too much of the building, and it collapses on everyone? Or what if you accidentally touch someone? You or someone else could get seriously hurt!" she said.

"I would never hurt somebody!" Peril protested indignantly. "I've become a lot more careful! In fact, I haven't hurt somebody in over 4 months! That's the longest I've ever gone!"

Sunny sighed. "Well, I guess we won't know until you actually get the job. So good luck, I guess. Anyways, where are you going to live? You're going to have to live in a non-flammable area, like a cave or something, though that wouldn't be very comfortable."

Peril's eyes lit up. "OOH! I have an idea! The silk from Silk Snakes aren't flammable, right? I could live in a cave, but make everything out of that! It's a good idea, right?"

As the two continued to talk about Peril's future, a certain Rainwing was ranting to a certain Seawing about the effectiveness of a pineapple as a weapons.

"And another thing!" Kinkajou ranted. "Pineapples have a these little spikes on them! I bet that they would really hurt if you threw it really hard at someone! Plus, they're pretty big too, and some of them of REALLY heavy! Like this one time, I was flying around the rainforest with Tamarin, and I spotted this HUGE pineapple! It was so big, that the plant it grew on was being crushed! And when I went to pick it up, it was SUPER heavy! Tamarin didn't believe me when I told her, so I gave it to her. And guess what? As soon as I place it in her arms, she falls down immediately! It was hilarious! But then I felt bad, so I helped her up right after. So basically, pineapples are the best weapons."

"But, you can only carry a few at a time!" Turtle argued. "So if you plan on throwing them, then you will only have a few pineapples to work with. And smacking dragons over the head probably won't work very well either, as they'll be crushed before you can hurt them badly."


As the two began to argue about pineapples, Qibli and Winter were busy in their own conversation.

"For the last time, Icewings do NOT live in igloos," Winter said to his clawmate. He rubbed his forehead in frustration as Qibli smirked at him.

"Really," he started. "Then what do you call those big lumps that the Icewings sleep in?"

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