Chapter 3~ In the hatred of a minute

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Dabi's POV-

The drunk crowd roared, waiting for the band to go on stage.
"You ready Dabi?" Jin asked, I nodded. We went on the stage, I stood by Tomura. Since me and him were now both the lead singers.
"Yo," Tomura greeted the crowd simply.
"Who's the new guy?" Someone in the crowd asked.
"I'm Dabi." I spoke into the microphone.
"Can he even sing?" Someone else asked, Tomura rolled his eyes.
"You'll have to see for yourself." Tomura said simply, before Jin and Toga started to play there instruments. Jin played the drums and Toga played electric guitar.
"Let's watch it burn
Let's watch it burn
Let's watch this city burn the world." Tomura started, to sing.
"Let's watch this city burn
From the sky lies the top the world
Til there's nothing left of her
Let's watch this city burn the world." Me and Tomura
sang in unison. There were a few cheers from the crowd. I can get used to this, I thought to myself.

-184 words-
This was a really short chapter but the next one will be longer.

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