Halloween with him

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there gon' be a present time one, and one in the future when you two have kid

present time:

"grayson!" I yelled, laughing as I felt pumpkin guts splatted on my cheek. I looked at him to see him laughing. his. ass. off. "this means war!" I yelled, throwing a handful of orange, slimy guts at his head. "ew! I only flicked a little at you, this is a handful!" he yelled through laughter. "you did that to yourself, rookie" I raised my eyebrow at him, picking up the spoon to dig out more guts. "fine, I guess we're even now" he started carving. "I don't play even.." I smirked, picking up two handfuls. "I PLAY WIN!" I shouted, covering his head with guts, which led him to throwing guts at me too. we laughed and slipped around the kitchen floor, forgetting about the pumpkins.

we eventually finished our game of cat and mouse, and carved our massive pumpkins. his was a black cat, mine was the Dolan twins logo. "that's so cool! I should have done that!" grayson smiled, pointing to mine. "yeah, I know I'm awesome. but it smells like pumpkin and it's making me sick, so let's shower" I smiled. (smell of pumpkin makes me wanna YAK) "you wanna go first?" he asked as we walked to the bathroom. "no, you should go. you know I'll take all of the hot water" I said smirking, and he nodded, jumping in the shower quickly. 

in the future (whatever age you want, you two have kid. also K/N= kids name

"mommy, daddy, I want that one!" K/N pointed to a huge pumpkin. "yeah! I like that one too, grayson could you?" I smiled at him. he nodded and used his GIANT muscles that were bigger than my flippin head to carry the pumpkin into the car. "we need two more" I said, looking around the pumpkin patch for the perfect one. "mommy, pick that one!" K/N pointed the a pumpkin. "which one?" I ask, setting her down. she ran and jumped on top of a pumpkin, which was also big. "you really know how to spot em, huh princess?" grayson walked over to her and lifted her off of the pumpkin, not without kissing her puffy cheeks, making her giggle. he hauled the pumpkin into the car, red in the face from how heavy it was. I smiled. "daddy is strong huh?" I smiled at our child "yeah! super daddy!" K/N called out, holding up their arms and flexing. we all smiled and looked for the last one.

"look at mine mommy, daddy!"

we look and see it has just a bunch of random cut outs and lines. "wow! it's so cool!" grayson smiled, picking k/n up and kissing her cheek. "it's cute! better than ours combined" I looked at grayson's and I's. I did a face throwing up the guts, grayson did jack skellington. (sorry if I spelled that wrong) "we all did great!" she smiled, we all shared a hug. "let's go trick or treating!!" the two of them yelling, running out to get their costumes on. I smiled, knowing grayson was the same age as k/n when it came to his favorite holiday.

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