surviving in Australia

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I know it's been a real FAT minute since I posted, and I'm sorry but HEY I got inspiration finally so I hope you guys and gals enjoy

1273 words (1273 my mother does not love me nor does anyone in my family-)

I was with the twins, we were filming for their channel, surviving 48 hours in Australia. Outside. I don't know why I agreed to this.. It's way dangerous, but I'm not worried about me. I'm not scared of dying and I'm not scared of any animal other than slugs because they're nasty as fuck and alien-like so I'll be able to man up and protect them if needed. Like deadass I will jump in front of a bear for these two, so they should have no reason to be scared. 

While they were talking about how they don't like spiders, I just rolled my eyes because they're not that scary, I have a pet tarantula. They're just big babies. 

The twins now had shaved beards, besides Grayson because he kept his mustache, and we met up with a survival guy named Nick, he'll be making sure we don't die. Or.. lower the chances of that happening. I mean they have me so I don't know why he's needed but okay. (I actually think Nick is so cute though, awe) When we were in the middle of talking, he pointed out that there were possums behind us, and the twins being them, ran away like babies. "look how cute they are! Awe come here fluffy friends!" I reached my arms out to the creatures. "y/n stop oh my god" Grayson grabbed my arms and gently backed a way from them. "but they're cute" I pouted, dropping my arms. "you're wrong" Ethan said, still freaked out. "whatever, cry babies, Let's get back to the video" I roll my eyes for the hundredth time and we got back to talking. 

that night, our last night in the house, we really cherished this one. "the boys have nothing to worry about, I know my shit and I ain't afraid of death, I am an unmovable boulder" I smiled to the camera "I'll protect em for you guys" I smiled and we laughed. "goodnight" Kyle said as he shut of the light and walked out. 

I was dressed in basketball shorts and a tank top because it was so damn hot outside, like 90 degrees. My hair was up in a bun too, so it would help keep me cooler than if it were down. We each pretty much got the same things in our bags, knife, rope, lights, etc. We picked up our bags and walked the rest of the way, Nick wanted to show us somewhere. The whole time, Ethan was complaining about his feet, you know we were walking barefoot. "calm down Ethan, if we have to then you have to. Just keep an eye out where you're stepping" I spoke to him and pointed at the ground while doing the same. "the sun is gonna kill us, so the first thing we need is water. And water is downhill" I said out of breath, pointing downhill. "yeah exactly, and we're heading uphill, so let's cut through and head down for some water" Nick said pointing and we all followed him. 

Half way there, Ethan just HAD to make his tree bark shoes. "don't go crying to us when you get a splinter" I shrugged as Ethan was too scared to grab the bark. "let the man handle it ethan" I pushed him back and effortlessly grabbed the bark and handed it to him. "damn she didn't even hesitate" Nick laughed. "yeah y/n's not scared of anything really" Grayson said to him. "I'm scared of drowning, But not the dying part. Like the thought of not being able to breathe gives me the heebiegeebies" I shivered and they laughed. Ethan was once again too scared to walk in front of everyone because he needed a shield from the spider webs, so once again, I pushed him out of the way and got in the front. "there there you wimp, I will bare this burden so the little babies behind me don't have to" I mocked and made fun of them while laughing. 

The rest of the walk was just me telling Ethan to calm down. He kept freaking out about spider webs in his hair, being a spaz. Then they started complaining about the sun, but I couldn't do much about that because it was actually really bad. "Want me to carry all of you at once?" I joked and they laughed. "how much you wanna bet she could at least carry one of us?" Ethan said "no way, I got my own weight to carry" I shook my head. I kept having to wipe the sweat off my arms and face, it was really bad. The sun is our worst worry right now.. 

After a while of walking, we finally got to a creak for water. Right away, we got in and dipped our feet in and let me tell you it felt like heaven. "finally, I've never been this happy about water" I smiled and washed off the sweat on my body. Grayson being Tarzan 2.0, made a thing to filter water for us to drink. I didn't even know that. It was a long time till we could finally drink it, it tasted like mud but that was as good as it was gonna get. There were also weird bird sounds, and I did my best to call back since I thought it'd be funny "what if they attack you" Ethan looked at me. I frowned and stopped making the sounds. "yeah that would suck.."

They found the bottom of a shoe and taped it to their foot.. nasty.. I on the other hand, just layered up some duct tape on my feet so it felt a lot better and didn't have foot fungus on it. It wouldn't stop a snake bite, but snakes were never a concern for me so I didn't mind them. Then Ethan got stung by a bee and he was freaking out. "is it a spider bite?!" He panicked. "no it's just one, it's probably a bee just calm down" I shook my head. "I'm not fucking around bro" Ethan yelled "jesus allmighty fucking calm down, you're fine" I yelled back, standing by nick who was the most normal person here. "It's just a bee you big baby" I said and wiped the sweat from my face. 

We finally got everything leveled and found a potential spot for camping up. They were scavenging around and checking the place out, while I was sitting in the tire playing with a spider. It was chilling inside so I just held it for now, I'll put it back when I have to get up. "is that a spider?" Grayson asked me. "yeah, look how cute he is, I will name him.. max" I smiled, letting the smallish spider crawl on my hands and arms. "how the fuck is she doing that? What if it's poisoness?" Ethan asked. "Oh well then, hasn't bit me yet" I shrugged, letting him crawl back onto the tire as I stood up. "goodbye max" I waved to him. I got weird looks from the twins, but I didn't care, I made a friend. 

Pretty soon, we were all extremely exhausted and dizzy we could barely think straight. But with the situation we were in, we decided to go for the salt water to where it's safer and use our energy for that. 

part 2 will be up when the next part of their video comes up :) 

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