at the beach

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"grayson!" I yelled over the crashing waves, I held up a giant sea shell when he turned to look at me. "that's huge!" he yelled, running over. I stood up and dusted the sand off my knees, showing him the shell. "where did you find this?" he asked, some of the salt water from his hair dripping onto my shoulder. "I found it over by the rocks" I said pointing to the rocks I was talking about. 

"that's so cool, wanna see who can climb the highest?" he asked me while smirking. "you're on pretty boy" I smirked and set the shell down in my bag and ran to the rocks. "that's cheating! I didn't say go!" he yelled chasing after me. "you never said you were gonna say go!" I yelled over my shoulder and got to climbing. 

I stood at the highest peak of the giant rocks, seeing the tiny people below me on the sandy beach. "hey grayson! I won! Ya bitch!" I yelled out, not seeing him. I looked around, seeing shells and crabs but not grayson.. I hope he didn't get hurt.. "grayson? Grayson?!" I yelled, trying not to fall myself. "awe, you beat me" I heard him out of breath behind me. "jeez, you scared me" I said to him, walking over trying not to fall. "sorry, I heard you won so I sat to catch my breath" he said, covering the sun from his eyes. "At least you're okay" I hugged him. "yeah, how about I buy dinner as a prize?" he asked and I smiled up at him, nodding. "one problem.."

"how are we gonna get down?"

grayson dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now