Chapter 2 Runing...

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I was getting ready to leave, it was late at night. I could still hear my non parents talking down stairs, well more like fighting.
I made sure I had everything I need.
I quietly went to my sisters room to help her pack, I woke her up and pulled her back pack out from under her bed.
I put pretty much the same things I packed in it, then I let her take some of her belongings with her, I could tell she was scared to run away, but we have no choice they treat us like crap.
"Foxy I feel like this is wrong" she whispered.
"I know but it's for the best we need to leave, this might be our only chance" I said and she nodded at me.


I went back to my room and grabbed my bag. we went to the hallway window, I opened it and climbed outside onto the roof.
I helped my sister out, we walked across the roof to where we set a ladder up against the house yesterday.
I let my sister go first as I held the ladder in place, then when she hopped off I went down more carefully and slower to make sure the ladder didn't fall sideways.
I jumped off and started leading us away from the house.
I didn't care about where we were heading as long as we got away from that place...
after awhile of running I could tell she was getting tired but we had to keep going, I could see the sign that was at the edge of the town witch means as soon as we pass it we would no longer be in the town.
"Foxy I need to stop" she whimpered, letting go of my hand and stoping.
"we are almost out of there just a bit farther" I reassured her I walked back to her, and took her bag for her.
"we have to keep going" I said.
"this was a bad idea I wanna go home" she said I could see tears start to form in her eyes.
I set down our stuff and I walked closer to her. she dropped to the ground.
I kneeled down and hugged her as she buried her face in my coat.
"it's gonna be okay" I said and helped her up she nodded at me.
I picked up our bags and we continued on I was worried that something might happen to her on this journey.
we have matching bracelets on so if we get split up and don't see each other for along time.
then we can always remember that we are family just by the bracelets...
I kept checking behind me to make sure she was still with me, I slowed down a bit so she could catch up to me...


I believe it's been a week probably.
we finally made it to a new place it's called Letinsen it was nicer then our last town we mostly took back alleys to avoid people.
my sisters tail was dragging on the ground lightly she looked exhausted her ears were drooping to the sides.
she wasn't as happy as she used to be.
As we were walking down the alley someone came up to my sis.
I dropped the bags and pulled her away from who ever it was, he looked like her but different.
"it's okay I wont harm you I usually help kids that are on the run" he said then I realized he was just a teenager. he sat on the ground and held out his hand to us, I looked at my sister she was scared.
"I'm Funtime Foxy you can stay with me if you want I'm sure my boy friend won't mind at all" he said smiling at us friendly, so I guess he's gay.
"brother I want a break can we go with him" she whispered to me I looked at her then I looked at our bracelets.
"you go with him" I said looking into her eyes.
"come with me please brother don't leave me" she said I led her over to him and hugged her.

"it's gonna be fine, take her and make sure she is safe" I said he nodded and grabbed her stuff.
"I promise she will be safe but what about you" he asked.
"I have a different path ahead of me" I said and picked up my stuff he held her hand and walked off, I followed them all the way to his house.
he knocked on a house and someone answered, I listened closely to what they were saying, as a little girl with bright yellow hair and blue eyes wearing a bib that said 'let's party' came out of the house.
"hey TC, Funtime Freddy she is gonna live with us" Funtime Foxy said and Vixen hid behind him nervously, then TC went up to her and hugged her showing how friendly she is and led her in.
then Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy kissed after they were inside, I knew what was best for her then I ran off I trust them to take good care of her.
I just hope she can handle not seeing me for awhile I didn't know how long I was gonna be gone what I knew was that I would not see her for a long time...

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