Chapter 8 Long time no C

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I wanted to tell Freddy how I feel about him he's so hot.
but I'm a bit stressed after finding my lost brother after all these years.
I headed to class thinking about him, I noticed Goldie wasn't here today so I can't hang out with him.
"Hey Vixen" a voice said from behind me who ever it was tapped my shoulder, I turned around and saw a guy with a red top hat and was wearing a grey shirt with a black vest on top and black dress pants.
he had one gold eye and magenta eye liner on. with a red bow tie and a gold star under his bow tie.
I felt a smile appear on my face
"Lefty, I haven't seen you since you left in grade 4" I said happily,
"yeah same" he replied, lefty was my best friend other than TC and I have always had a crush on him until he told me he was gay then I stoped starring at him in class.
"so Linx what you doing after school" he asked, he is the only one that calls me Linx from childhood to now he calls me that.
"I don't know yet I haven't made any plans" I answered,
"okay well cya then, I got a friend that you have to meet he's so cool and fun" he said and we got back to doing our work.


Lefty he was a nice guy and a really good friend to me.
But there was something about him that I didn't know about.
"Hey Spring" Lefty said with a bright smile on his face, I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Hi Lefty" I responded, he has this way of making me happy just by talking to me.
"I have an old friend I would like you to meet" he said leading me back to the school.
"Come on" he said starting to run down the hallway.
"hey wait up" I called, he was always faster than me.
He stopped immediately making me run into him, knocking each other over, which made us laugh.
"So still running in the halls I see, nothing seems to have changed about you" someone said as I got off of Lefty allowing him to get up
"Heh yeah Linx nothing has changed much" he said rubbing his arm.
I could tell something did change from when they were kids I just didn't know it yet,
"Who's that?" She asked looking at me,
"Oh, that's my friend Spring" he said not saying my full name like usually,
"Hi Spring I'm Vixen" she said reaching her hand out to me as I sat on the ground calmly,
"My full name is Springbonnie" I corrected grabbing her hand.
Lefty didn't bother at all with us he just let us talk I always thought of Lefty as a shy guy but when around Vixen he acts totally different.
"So what have you two been doing?" She asked as we let go of each other's hands,
"Well I haven't been doing much just usual teenager stuff" I answered, Lefty just stood there in silence, I nudged him a bit and he looked at me, I just rolled my eyes at him and faced Vixen.
"Well what do you guys wanna do" I asked, Lefty looked at the ground thinking,
"I have to do something" he said and ran off back the way we came,
"What's up with him?" She asked
"I don't know" I answered back shrugging a bit.
"Well come on let's have some fun" Vixen said leading me outside. She seemed very energetic.
"So you and Lefty have know each other for a while" I said as she pulled me down to sit on the grass,
"Yeah pretty much" she replied letting go of my sleeve,
"So what do you think Lefty is doing right now" I asked looking around.
"No idea" she said, I saw something move fast out the corner of my eye, I just shrugged and continued talking with Vixen...


"-So yeah that's when he just disappeared" she said finishing,
"Why would he just leave you with out going with you?" I asked.
"I guess he just thought I was slowing him down on his life" she sighed,
"Well at least he's back, I haven't seen my best friend in well... forever" I said thinking still about the past I looked at the ground as I remembered Fredbear....

Fredbear was always by my side we always helped each other out with our problems.
We met just a few years ago, we were both just playing separate games well he was writing I was playing tag with some other kids some a bit older than me.
I was it, I was chasing this other kid and I did not notice Fredbear lying on the grass writing the kid I was chasing went around him, but I was to into the game so I ran into him while he was getting up.
I knocked him onto the ground I lost trace of where that kid went.
"HEY! Watch were you are running" he said glaring at me.
"I-I'm sorry" I stuttered, he looked at me I started to worry he was going to hurt me, but instead he held his hand out to me.
"It's fine I shouldn't be writing in the middle of where others are playing, besides I'm not that big so I guess no one really sees me" he said kindly.
I hesitated to take his hand, he helped me up,
"Thanks" I said and he nodded at me,
"Come let's have some fun" he said leading me away from the other kids I was playing with.
"What's your name?" He asked as we came to a stop.
"I'm SpringBonnie" I replied he smiled at me,
"Well I'm Fredbear" he said, and continued leading me away from the play ground.
We went through a line of trees and into a clear open space, there was someone sitting on the ground relaxing.
He had dark brown hair, and was wearing a white plaid shirt with black pants.
He was wearing a black top hat that looked like it was to big for him and he had a loose bow tie on he was smiling and his eyes closed as he just sat there.
"Freddy get up" Fredbear said nudging his arm his eyes opened and he looked at Fredbear for a second,
"Go away Fartbear" Freddy said getting up and walked away from him.
"Oh really you still mad about that it was an accident I didn't mean to hurt you" Fredbear said looking at the ground, I started to wonder what he was talking about.
"You can talk to him I will just wait here" Fredbear said kicking the ground lightly I nodded and went up to Freddy.
"Hi" I said a bit shy,
"Hey" Freddy replied, I was still wondering what they were talking about,
"I'm SpringBonnie" I said, he looked at me for a minute then looked away,
"I'm Freddy, be careful around Fredbear he does some strange things" Freddy said as he started to walk away, I looked back at Fredbear he was facing the other way,
"Like what" I asked Freddy turned to look at Fredbear then at me, his eyes suddenly went wide.
"Like that" he said, I turned back around to face Fredbear his blue eyes now black with a glowing white dot in the middle.
We walked up to him cautiously, he was slightly hovering off the ground,
"W-what is he doing" I asked,
"I don't—"

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