Chapter 3 High school

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Yay high school I can't believe that summer is over already.
me and Chica had so much fun,
"Bonnie get up or be late" TB yelled I moaned to what he said.
all I wanted to do was not go to school but of course I have a room mate that makes sure we get to school on time it's annoying.
"get up!" He yelled kicking my door open.
"jeez" I said sitting up he glared at me then I laid back down.
he pulled my sheets away and pulled me off my bed.
"ow, really" I said as I hit the ground.
"get up" he said pulling me to the stairs.
"I don't believe you can pull me up those stairs" I said laughing under my breath.
"ugh this is why I wanted to switch rooms with you" he said and started pulling me up the stairs, I looked up at him.
"you want me at school this badly, wow" I said rolling my eyes at him then he let go of me and let me slide down the stairs.
"ow, okay now I'm gonna beat you" I said getting up off the floor I'm glad there is carpet all over this house except for in the bathrooms and kitchen it makes so it's less painful when it comes to falling down the stairs.
he ran up the stairs as I chased him.
"Aye look who's up" he teased running to the table, he went on the opposite side of me and kept going around avoiding me.
"I got our school stuff ready" he said and we circled the table I looked at the door I saw our bags sitting there and he had a plan I guess, the door was open a little.
After awhile of circling the table he ran to the door and picked up our bags and ran outside, I followed behind him.
as soon as I was outside Chica ran into me hugging me and making me fall over onto the soft grass.
"chasing your room mate again" she laughed,
"heh he asked for it" I said looking into her magenta eyes, she realized how close our faces were to each other and got off me.
I sat up and TB dropped my bag on me.
"you guys are cute together" he teased I got up and hit him, Chica was rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment as she blushed.
"shut up TB, I don't even know if she likes me that way" I whispered to him.
"c'mon stop teasing each other let's go" she said.
"hay Chica were is Vix?" I asked,
"oh she went early today I don't know why" she said and we started walking, we all lived beside each other so we walked to school instead of driving separately since we did live close to the school so we didn't have to drive.

It was my first time going to this school I saw someone, he had a guitar hanging on his back.
He was taking out books from his locker, I walked up to him.
"hay" I said, he jumped to the sound of my voice and backed away dropping his books on the ground.
"I-I um h-hi" he stuttered.
"sorry if I scared you" I said,
"umm it's f-fine" he said picking up his books.
"I'm Freddy" I said reaching out my hand to him.
"I-I'm Bonnie" he said shaking my hand lightly then he quickly let go.
"HAY who are you" a girl said walking up to us,
"I'm Freddy" she went in front of Bonnie and looked me up and down.
"are you new here?" She asked,
"yeah" I answered.
"well just so you know Freddy if you hurt any of my friends I will hunt you down and punish you" she said pushing me lightly telling me to back off, I backed up but she kept coming closer.
I tripped on myself and fell then she stoped,
"Chica calm down I'm sure he won't hurt anyone" Bonnie said walking up beside her, she looked at me on the ground.
"so I guess your not from around here" she said helping me up,
"yeah" I replied. she pulled me close to her and she starred into my eyes.
"hm I like how your eyes stand out they are a nice colour of icy blue" she said letting go of me,
"well anyways I'm Chica and I'm sure you have met my friend Bonnie" she said motioning to Bonnie.
"um yeah I did" I said feeling a bit stressed than before Chica seemed protective over Bonnie and she seemed to be a bit of a stress making person.
I scratched the back of head nervously.
"c'mon Chica stop tormenting him" Bonnie said, Bonnie seems like a nice guy,
"who's this" someone else asked walking up from behind me, I turned around she was looking at me with her head tilted to the side a bit,
"I'm Freddy" I answered her.
she starred at me for a sec then looked me up and down just like what Chica did.
"do all girls do that?" I asked then she pushed me up against the lockers her eyes softened,
"we are still at school you can do that later Vix" Chica said pulling her off me and the girls walked off.
"heh first day at school and she already likes you" Bonnie said putting a hand on my shoulder well at least he is warming up to me and not stuttering.

I liked the new guy I'm surprised that Vixen already almost loved him at school, it's just how she is and he was a nice looking guy.
"hay Bon I wasn't done with you last year" TF said pushing me.
"I-I told you n-not to call me t-that" I stuttered and he pushed me up against the wall.
"well t-to bad" he mocked me and punched me in the face and pushed me on the smooth tiled floor.
then he stabbed my right leg,
"ow" I said I could feel blood going down my leg.
Freddy went up to him and pushed him away and punched his stomach, he fell to the ground, while Freddy was beating up TF, I pulled the knife out of my leg I took in a deep breath as more blood flowed down my leg.
first day and he already decided to stab me jeez, I looked up and saw TF scramble to get up and ran away almost falling, Freddy turned around and kneeled beside me everyone else was in class except for us.
he pulled his bag close to him and pulled out a white long cloth.
"I'm always ready for new schools like this" he said as I laid on my back trying to ignore the pain I closed my eyes trying to relax I'm glad Freddy was here this year, he pulled up my pant leg and tied the cloth around the knife wound I just can't believe TF stabbed me at school.
"come to my house and I can help you more there" he said as I felt pain in my leg as he tied it.
"okay" I said and he pulled my pant leg back down,
"okay let's get to class" he said helping me up, I noticed him clenching the left side of his body as I limped all the way to class.
I guess TF punched him hard there or something I didn't want to question him about it...

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