Chapter 5 back to the first new town

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I was always moving town from town non stop but I remember someone from when I was a kid.
I don't remember her so clearly I looked different back then, I was getting tired of driving for the past few weeks so I found a town I'm gonna stay in for the year.
I just hope I don't decide to go to school, besides it's bad enough that I have a roommate, this town seems peaceful enough.
it took me awhile to find the right address apparently my roommate was sitting outside on the front porch, she perked up happily when I got out of my car.
she waved at me I didn't bother to wave back, she walked in front of me making me stop
"hi" she said.
I didn't want to say anything so I just walked around her and went inside.
I unpacked in my room and took off an old bracelet that I made when I was little, and who ever it was that was with me had the same one.
I don't know what it means though I have forgotten about the past.
"hay you good?"she asked coming into my room, I rolled my eyes at her and continued unpacking.
"do you mind saying at least something" she asked.
"lass go away" I said,
"c'mon let's have some fun" she said pulling me into the living room.
"lass I don't do fun" I said,
"I don't care just come" she said and led me outside, I didn't want to do anything today,
"oh right I forgot to introduce myself, I'm TC" she said cheerfully.
"what's yours" she asked,
"Foxy" I answered not amused by her excitement,
"where are ye taking me" I asked.
"I think you might like to meet someone who is my friend" she said still leading me somewhere,
"what's ye friends name?" I asked
"his name is Bonnie and he is really nice and he likes to write story's about fantasy like what you are" she said smiling at me.
"what do ye mean by that?" I asked confused she stoped walking and I almost walked into her.
"really haven't you seen yourself" she said looking at me,
"yeah I have" I said,
"well do you know what you are" she asked,
"yeah I'm a fox can't you tell by my tail and ears" I said.
"yesh and you are a pirate" she said cheerfully,
"yeah so" I said confused,
"you are a pirate and pirates are originally from fantasy" she said glaring at me, I shrugged and she continued to lead me to somewhere.
"lass do ye mind telling me where we are going" I asked,
"we are going to where he likes to play and write music and story's" she said slowing down I noticed she was getting lost in her memory's.
I could tell she wasn't concentrating while walking cause she almost walked into a street light,
"heh I guess I should concentrate" she laughed I guess she noticed too that she almost hit it,
"oh hold on I need to tie my shoe lace" she said crouching down I think she didn't even have any shoe laces but at least it was like a stop before getting there.
she got up and continued leading me.
we entered a park and she crossed her arm over in front of me making me stop "stay here for a sec" she said and crouched down again I didn't really care then she ran off.

I was busy writing a new song when TC came up to me.
"Hay Bonnie writing a new song again" she asked she scared me because I didn't know she was gonna come visit me again and I almost fell backwards into the fountain, gladly she steadied me so I didn't.
"sorry about scaring you again I forgot how jumpy you are heh" she said,
"I-it's okay TC " I said putting away my pencil.
"well I got someone for you to meet today you might like who he is" she said happy and started pulling me away from the fountain I looked ahead of her and saw someone standing by a street light, as soon as he saw me he turned and started walking away then he fell.
I noticed a leash tied onto him and the other end was tied to the pole.
he turned to sit and glared at TC,
"heh that's what you get for trying to leave" she teased.
"ugh lass ye got me" he said fake laughing, he just cut the leash with his hook.
"so this ye friend" he asked,
"yep" she said and helped him up,
"well Bonnie this is Foxy" She said introducing us, I waved shyly.
"can I go now" he asked,
"no! Bonnie I wanted you to meet him because he is a pirate and I'm sure you know what pirates are" she looked at me I just realized he was a pirate I guess I wasn't concentrating on his looks and what he was wearing heh.
I looked at him for a sec then went around him, I lifted up his arm he wasn't even trying to put it down he just didn't care.
I felt the fabric of his dark red coat, he looked confused.
"don't worry Foxy it's just his way of looking at people who are like you, so he knows a better way to explain details in his story's. I guess" she said I just ignored her and continued looking at him.
he watched as I touched the sleeve of his coat, I looked at what else he was wearing then I was satisfied that he was an actual pirate and he gave me some ideas I backed away from him.
"s-so you really are a pirate" I asked,
"yeah so" he said looking at me, I could tell TC wanted to laugh but she held it in.
"can I just go now" he asked again.
"umm lemme think... no!" TC said then I just remembered Vixen
"hold on" I said going back up to him he let me lift his arm up again but I saw him role his eyes, I pulled up his sleeve a little and saw a bracelet that looked exactly like the one Vixen wears all the time.
"hay where did you get this" I asked and he quickly pulled his arm away from me,
"that's non of ye business" he said and turned his back to me,
"Vixen has the same one" TC said with her head tilted to the side a bit he turned and looked at her
"who's Vixen"....


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