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Water droplets slid down her naked body and swirled into the drain. A large and calluses hand came over her back moving softly over her skin. The water warm as the gross entrails flowed off their bodies. Negan stood behind Hellen as she faced the shower wall. Steam rising up around them both like a curtain.

"I was worried about you."

She whispered feeling numb. Negan's eyes boring into her backside as his hand moved slowly over her skin.

"I was worried about you too. Damn near thought I wasn't gonna make it back to you sweetheart."

He heard her shuttered breath. His hand moving around to come down and around her waist. He pulled her into his chest and held her there. She whimpered, her hands coming up and around his arm that kept her close.


She pleaded wanting him to keep close to her. The shower was longer than usual, but all good things must come to an end. Negan had shut he had to get done and do and Hellen had things she had to do as well. There was so much going through the young woman's mind she didn't even know where to begin.

After the shower Negan vanished to go take care of things. Hellen was being left in the dark once again. She hated being left that way as if helping Negan run this place wasn't even her job at all. Now more than ever as things begun to escalate and seemed as if need and was trying to keep her as far away from all of this as possible.

Which keeping her away from everything was more than impossible seeing as how she was always dubbed as the queen around here standing beside Negan. She knew that he only wanted the best for her, he had shown her that time and time again over the last few years that they had known one another.

And even though he had asked her to be his wife, he never disrespected her like he did his other actual lives. His wives were miserable where she spent a little time with them throughout the night where is he would spend his entire days sometimes with her, Hellen.

She knew she shouldn't have been reading into everything. It always ended badly for her. Every single time. Nothing good had ever lasted long in her life and with the way things were going it almost seemed like things weren't going to last much longer.

And that's why she made the choice she made.

Negan had left her unguarded and she took that opportunity and turned it into her benefit. One of two things would end up happening with her next choice. And she could only hope that what happened would be the latter half in the back of her mind.

Taking a car without permission. Leaving the compound without telling anyone. Now she found herself before the gates of Alexandria. Guns pointed at her as she stepped out of her car and walking up toward the gate until she could see people standing guard up top.

"I'm here to see Rick!"

She called out having never seen the people she seen before. A woman stood guard with somewhat short brown hair and she didn't speak at all as she wore a black trench coat and the remainder being black.

Suddenly the gates opened. Hellen watched as Rick came walking out her way. His gun down to his side as he approached, but when he seen she was alone his mood seemed to change.

"Hellen, what are you doing here?"

"Please, I need to talk to you, Rick."

She begged feeling her nerves come undone. She had been holding herself together for much longer than what she had expected. She knew it was stupid and a huge risk to come here alone, she knew that. And she knew that if Negan ever found out he would be beyond furious. But she had to try something at this point.

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