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This Chapter is going to be short and I am sorry for that. But allow me to set what happens here because not only is it needed for the story but I am just going to make it add flavor. This is basically the Future Timeline stuff. So here lets get Started! I am just sad that I can't couldn't add a bit more too it...

So what Transpired in the Alternative Timeline... well both Young Lon and Goku passed away due to the Heart Virus. *Crying...* (HE DIED SO YOUNG!!)  And well Ranch only has some recordings of his music he left on a computer and some CD's and tracks that she holds on to. Lon and Gohan are taken by the sudden loss of Goku, heck even Chi-Chi is distraught (Again) and Raditz well since his first arrival on Earth after Goku's last Martial Art's Tournament and getting adjusted and training and now the year they spent on Yardrat they had a real thing going they had basically known each other since their teen and kid years they had a brotherly bond going, so he's taken to this and Vegeta... oh I forgot to mention in the previous part that Vegeta leaves for Earth and his Father and Mother govern New Planet Vegeta while he becomes a Saiyan worthy of the throne (Learning Super Saiyan in the process.) In Fact Gohan is still the youngest Saiyan to attain Super Saiyan followed by Lon who just wanted to stick with Kaio-Ken but thought Super Saiyan was cool and learnt... at least before his life got cut short. I can only imagine how distraught Raditz and Launch were at Lon's departure their first born gone prematurely. I can see a vision of Lon struggling for dear life crying asking for help and ultimately without a vaccine he's going to perish in fact this happened a year before Goku's departure. So yeah the Son Family got hit really hard.

So what about the artificial humans/ the Androids... they are actually a bit more powerful than in the original since Lon's rather sparring usage of the Kaio-Ken he used it in brief bursts when sparring with his Mom, Dad and Grand Parents and his Great Grand Parent and Cousin Gohan. The Androids are just slightly prepared for this power jump to an extent and everyone learning Super Saiyan  they are slightly adjusted and are more powerful. However since we're going to have a sense of scale at this point since Power Levels mean nothing  we can curb stomp power levels entirely. (Thank you, Toriyama.)

And since the Androids are more powerful a lot of people start falling off in the advent of the Androids we come to realize that well they quickly make work of killing the Namekian and thus killing off Kami and the Dragonballs, the crew can't rush or contact New Namek for their Balls because they are going to be short staffed and not many of them especially Ranch, Trunks and Bardock, Gine, Raditz and Gohan. Which much to the dismay of everyone they are going to need to train the young ones but the group decides to wait till they are like 7 to train with Bardock and Gine around who are not strong enough at this point to tackle the Androids mostly due to that the Androids are stronger now and Bardock and Gine are struggling though they are making some headway in battling them they aren't really making a stride to victory as it is. It isn't till a training session with the kids in a safe location that Launch decides to check on them when she arrives upon calling out to her daughter 17 shoots her down Raditz is stunned and against his Father, Mother and Gohan's please he charges in. This was the woman he loved and her life had ended. As if time had Frozen them they watch and slowly move away in horror as Raditz is murdered by the Androids.

They regroup at Chi-Chi's, where an argument ensues of where the safest place is, Capsule Corp. or Chi-Chi's. After hearing this back and forth a tiny bit. Ranch begins to cry, not only is this a delayed reaction to being orphaned but effectively at this point the music she had held onto would be the only link to her family she doesn't really have anything to remember her Mom by sure she has some of her Father's Techniques but it would take some time before she would develop her own and those techniques would be forgotten. So Ranch effective breaks down completely crying and the group stops to help her but I'll tell you this  hit Ranch like a Planetoid reaching Mach 10. Effectively Ranch cries herself o sleep with the music as its not making her happy anymore. Though this steels her resolve to save this dimension.  We have a time skip to 780 and the kids can keep up with Bardock, Gine and Gohan's Training. Here's a kicker they decided collectively that the safest place is Capsule Corporation. All of the remaining crew move their and once day in the middle of training, Ranch spends sometime with Gohan.

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