Stupid, but I do it Anyways

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Ok, so read the title...

It's not like I do bad things, but it's a bad habbit, I guess.

So I think everyone in the world knows what YouTube is, so that is my bad habbit.

YouTube helps my social life

That's basically what I'm trying to say. It's not a good thing to me, but I honestly do enjoy watching youtubers, but if somethings new and "in" I look it up on youtube.

I take this time out of my day, and I just literally realized, I'm not even living...

I could be doing homework, playing volleybal, hanging with friends, and so many more...

But I choose youtube. That's how pathetic I really am.  YouTube at the same time is helping and destroying my social life.

Even if I'm with friends, we choose to go on youtube, or watch tv. We never choose to do anything active.

I'm not proud of it of course, but I'm making this chapter so I could change. (Hopefully :p)

Do you guys do what i do? Comment, and Ill reply instantly, because I always have my phone on me (another bad trait)

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