ChApTer 6

291 3 2

The pictures don't have anything to do with the story. I just wanted to fill it.

"Why would you say yes?"
I blushed. "W..well...I don't think of a date..I like..uhh someone else..yeah.." he looked at me and smirked. "And who is this guy, (Y/n)?" I swallowed hard. "U..umm...I.." Clyde pushed Kenny. "Dude. It's none of your business.." Kenny walked back over and punched him. They continued fighting till I stopped them. "WHAT THE HELL GUYS?! WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING OVER THIS?!?" They both stopped at looked at me. "Because we like you." I blush. "W..what the hell? How could you like me Clyde?! It's my first day back here!" He looked down. "" I looked at him. "That's what I thought. And Kenny! I know for a fact you don't like me. If you did, it wouldn't be weird. I've been friends with you since...whenever! But still! You're a perverted player! I'd just be a-" he cut me off with a hug. "'re right. But I actually got like you, (Y/n)..I have for a long time. Even before you left. I got with all the girls because I thought I could find someone as good...or better then you..but it didn't happen.." I was shocked. "K..Kenny.." I started hugging back. "I'm sorry! I was mean..and..sigh. I'll shut up now." I let go of him, but he squeezed tighter, "'s okay! Uh that's how everyone sees me nowadays." I heard a laugh. It was Token. He was live streaming this. I got out of Kennys hug, and kicked token in the balls. "TOKEN ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?!? WHY WOULD YOU STREAM THAT?!? THIS ISN'T FUNNY." He looked up at me. Probably shocked. Not that I kicked him, but that I was mad. "What? He deserved it." Just after I said that. "MS. (Y/N). OFFICE. NOW." Kenny stepped in to defend me. "No. She kicked him because he was filming things without consent. What's wrong with that?" She looked at him and sighed. "Fine! But if you do this again, you'll be suspended with no warning." I nodded. Thank you kennn!. She walked away and I jumped into Kenny's arms. "ohmygoshthankyoukennymydadwouldkillmeifigotsuspendedyousavedmylifeeee" he laughed. "Haha! You're dear." I swear I was a tomato...oh gosh..

words: 410

kenny x fem!reader {DISCONTINUED} Where stories live. Discover now