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You've been settling inside your new room, occasionally trying to listen in on Xiaojun and Lucas' conversation. You tip toed over towards the door, pressing your ear against it as the two rambled about a group of people you've never heard of. Part of you wanted to barge out there and let it be known it was okay to talk around you, but the other part of you made you stay sane and begged you not to blow this one. This time I won't blow it, you told yourself.

Rolling your eyes at the silence that was coming from outside, you walked back, kneeled down and gathered some of the shirts you had been folding.
Your mother's words suddenly echoing, remembering you were suppose to give her a call. Not thinking too much of it you picked up your mobile, and ordered Siri to start the phone call. The conversation wasn't too interested, nor boring. Just about the right balance you both had with each other. Your relationship with your mother was decent, neither ever went an extra mile for one another, but that didn't quite mean you didn't care. Both were just too much alike as your father often claimed. Maybe he was right,
"of course I'll give you a call whenever, I can" you say into the phone "Okay honey and remember condoms!" Before you could manage to say bye, you hung up on your mom, shaking your head and let out a sigh of annoyance. So irritating,

"Everything okay?" He questioned, scanning your figure as he slowly walked closer, Lucas slipped a hand inside his pocket, occupying the other with a glass of what seemed to be beer? "Y-yeah- yeah everything is fine" you chuckled, fixing the last of your clothes. Your eyes wandered around hoping to see the only familiar face you knew so far, but soon your smile faded realizing, Xiaojun is no longer there.

"He'll be back said something about giving you a tour in an hour" Lucas was now sat on the couch you will both be sharing, for about two years or so. You were planning on catching up on some reading and just keep it chill for the first day, but maybe your second option would be best. Plus is not like there's nothing wrong with it, "Thanks for letting me know. Sorry we didn't really introduce ourselves, I'm, Y/n" you reached out your hand for your roommates, as you took the spot beside him. Lucas smiled wide returning you the sweet gesture and stared back "Wong, Lucas. Very nice to meet you" his deep voice coming out raspier, making you tilt your head slightly.

"Ever smoked weed?" He quizzed, a silly grin forming on his lips, you thought about the times you've spent after school when you were back home. There was that one time you were offered some, and it never really grabbed your attention up until now. It was amazing how college life was already affecting you, you became more curious on why people do this and that. Then again you never really explored life so maybe right now wouldn't be such a bad idea.
"No. How does it feel?" Your questioned made, the other chuckled, he straightened his posture and extended out the drug, for you to hold. You had some doubts running through your mind, but the main one was that if you ever regret not having some sort of fun while you're living here and technically are suppose to make choices that don't seem the smartest, you'll never know what life is. And is not that drugs are that happiness you're searching for, it's just one try. You tilted your head once more, half smiling over at, Lucas as you held the brownish piece of paper that had weed rolled up from what you've learned so far.
"Just inhale keep it in for as long as you can then blow it right out" he calmly guided you, leaning back on the couch as one of his leg bounced.

You nodded, bringing the blunt to your lips and inhaled, the smoke stung a little, but it wasn't too bad so you took one more. Finally there was a cloud of smoke, as you passed it to, Lucas. The boy instantly took a long hit, keeping what he had just inhaled and went for an even longer one, his head laid back staring at the ceiling, and slowly released it all in one go. "Want some more?" He turned to where you were sitting, your eyes in complete shock at how much he took in comparison to your weak attempt. You shook your head already feeling a slight head change.

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