V. Attention

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Loud noises awakened Phoom from his, non-sexual but nearly there, dream of Dome. Frustration flooded him since yesterday when the doctor had rejected his offer of dinner. The reason being that he was still technically bed ridden and can't have dinner outside until he is discharged. He nearly argued about the pros of take-out restaurants but aborted the idea since he promised to obey the doctor until he is completely healed. Hospital food sucks but he can't disappoint Dome. 

"Do you think he's awake?" a voice whispered outside the door, talking to another. If he was on a mission, he'd busted these guys in 3 seconds. 

Judging from the gruff and hoarseness of the voices,  it must be his teammates who probably visited just to rub their noses in his already salty wound.

The door slowly opened to reveal four guys still in full combat uniforms, exhaustion and grime evident on their faces.

"I could smell your balls from three rooms away. Did you guys even care to shower?" he mocked.  The gang just hysterically laughed.

From the looks of their faces and filth on their uniform, they must have just gotten a day off from training. He didn't think he would miss these guys. Being stuck on the bed doing nothing but stare at the ceiling could ruin a person's mind. He missed the action and running with the cadets, the smell of gunpowder and the feel of his crisp uniform on his skin. 

Bone, Shield, Ten, and Gun are his closest of buddies in the military.  They were always assigned to the same base and the same missions, hence their tight knit relationship almost akin to a family. His friends always helped each other in times of danger.

"Shut up, you don't smell any different from us. Wet wipes does not make you clean," Bone teased in return. 

"Damn right. I'd trade anything just to take a shower now," he sighed as he plopped down the pillow from his reclining position earlier. 

"Oh? I fuckin want to trade with you.  Damn, that doctor in the lobby is freakin hot. Did you see the dimples?  Nearly killed me," Shield commented whistling as if imagining doing dirty things to his doctor. Proudly out and gay,  Shield never misses an opportunity to voice out his type of men. 

"I called dibs asshole. Already kissed him," he shared to the gang earning him some 'hell yeses'. Shield went gung ho when he congratulated him on his first ever attempt of getting a partner. 

"Oho, trying to cross over our realm now? You can't do that bro. You gonna ruin my game if all those cute cadets go after you," Shield complained.

"Shut up, I have no plans to rob you of your boys. I have my doctor but he rejected my offer of dinner yesterday. What do you think I should do next?" he asked Shield who would bed anybody and everything that moves. He's the embodiment of cassanova despite being gay.

"Hey!  We came here to visit you not your love problems," Bone interrupted. He earned a lot of boos from our friends who are trying to be supportive of his very first love interest.  Love interest is stretching it too far but he feels like he could see that kind of permanency with Dome. 

"We don't need to be worried about his health.  Obviously, he's too energetic for a bullet wound," Gun said as he pulled out a chair and got rid of his shoes, flexing his tired toes and feet. 

"So, what's the name of your doctor?" Shield inquired pretending to not know when the name could be easily spotted on the doctor's coat.

"Fuck you.  You obviously know. Don't fish for answers. I should be the one asking you guys about your parachute training. How did it go?" he asked as the boys, one by one, sat on the sofa.

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