VII. Yes and Yes

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Has anybody in Dome's life paid this much attention to him? Never. Well besides his parents, Phoom topped the list of the people who threw love like its Christmas everyday. He doesn't have any reason to not accept it except that he isn't really gay. Or so he thought.

He contemplated gay relationships for days since he met Phoom. Getting courted by a fine specimen brought back his memories of freshman years in the university.

College freshman year was the most exciting year of Dome's life until he became busy. There were meet and greets. Parties were held left and right. There were easy hook ups with whatever gender which he sorely missed out but if given the chance he would have explored as much as he could.

The side glances he made on his own classmates were, just that, mere appreciation and nothing more. Did that alone make him gay? He thought not. That was until he met Phoom and he couldn't stop thinking about the man and his fastidious mouth---flirting like a pro despite claiming to have no past relationships.

The supposed beginner level cassanova is currently sleeping after he comically bled his nose out. Dome carefully caressed the prominent mole of Phoom's face. He can't help staring at the mole and the smirk that follows it.

All the teammates of Phoom left after they tried, with good intentions, to prepare the table for the two of them. They kept laughing and snickering at Phoom who passed out for the first time thinking about dirty thoughts of him---as his friends declared.

He didn't mind the teasing. All of Phoom's friends seems to be good people who truly look out for each other. Flashback to earlier, the guys immediately rushed to the bedside and covered Pavel's nose with tissue. It was such a touching yet funny incident.

He looked around room and noticed the table. It looks perfect despite all the blunders and spilled drinks on the table cloth and flowers hastily plucked from the garden. Save for the table stains and half empty chicken bucket, the food looks mouthwatering.

He looked down at his clothes, heart pounding as he divested himself of his doctor's robe. His shift was done and his two days off will start today, hence the clumsy dinner table that the gang prepared.

The guys joked about doing their first date here in the hospital. Since he wasn't exactly repulsed to the idea so he nodded and let the guys happily arrange the table.

Phoom groaned as he stirred awake. Dome had removed the bloody tissues earlier and cleaned Phoom's face from blood stains.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked with his calm voice trying not to freak out.

"Hey yourself, georgeous,"

It didn't seem like Phoom passed out moments ago. He already flipped his flirt on.

"You surprised me," he said while fiddling with Phoom's thumb, trying hard not to look at his face. It was embarrassing how he was found out snooping at their conversation earlier. He lost face for not being the least bit a professional doctor. He should know, more than anyone, that privacy is important.

"Surpised in a good way or bad way? Obviously bad. I wasn't impressed with myself either."

Phoom's self degradation felt more reassuring against his own embrassing faults.

"I'm not judging you. Things like that happens all the time," he tried to empathize.

"Tell me real cases of people having nose bleeds and fainting while thinking of you. If there are many then I'm gonna have to get my gun delivered here," Phoom threatened being possessive all over again.

"Fine. Fainting while bleeding your nose out doesn't happen very often. Let's forget about it okay? The food is getting cold and your friends made an effort to prepare it for us," he pointed at the table with takeout foods, linens, and nearly wilting flowers.

"Not yet. I really want to know what you meant earlier when you said that 'you'd know' about having sex. Are you experienced?" Phoom carefully asked. Tiptoing on the topic of a possible ex boyfriend which obviously he doesn't have.

He smacked Phoom dead center on the forehead to banish the thought laughing at the man's wild imagination. Phoom really has supreme skills in diverting topics. He nearly forgot his own hunger.

"I don't have an ex-boyfriend and we're not gonna have sex anytime soon anyway. Focus on recuperating so you'll...uhm find out," he said but nearly got a heart attack when he was pulled too close. He had to put one knee on the bed to support himself and in order not to squish Phoom's still injured chest.

"Say yes first, na?" Phoom begged.

"To what?" he asked perplexed at the sudden request. Where is Phoom's mind going?

"Just say yes." Phoom insisted.

"Okay, yes. There, tell me what it is that I said yes to," he wanted to get away but Phoom kept pulling him close and he's already half lying on the bed.

"To being my boyfriend. You're prohibited from taking it back." Phoom said with a stern voice but happily smiling like an idiot. It was infectious so Dome himself couldn't stop his lips from smiling too.

"That was already settled yesterday," he countered whilst successfully pulling away from Pavel's hard body.

"I wasn't so sure after you left so suddenly," Phoom pouted as he let go of Dome.

Dome chuckled at his embarrassing exit yesterday. There was no explanation except that he was shy and he hadn't thoroughly brushed his teeth yet. He wasn't gonna get his throat explored without proper hygiene.

"Come back. Let's seal it with a kiss." Phoom begged, hand tightly holding his wrist and pulling him again.

"I already gave you a kiss yesterday." Dome replied.

"I'm not satisfied na na" Phoom didn't give up and pulled the saddest puppy eyes he could muster.

Dome sighed and decided he needed to give Phoom something to dream about since they can't do any extraneous activity for the next two weeks.

Phoom waited with puppy dog eyes until Dome decided to get on the bed and spread his other leg to ride on his lap.

Dome kneeled on the bed with Phoom's lap enticing him to sit on it but in the end decided not to. His position is dangerous enough (Pavel thinks otherwise) that he might actually and literally injure Phoom.

With bated breathe Phoom watched as Dome closed their distance and kissed him thoroughly, reciprocating as much as he could putting all his feelings into the kiss.

The view from below felt like a movie to Phoom. Dark hooded eyes like it was filled with lust. Fluttering eyelashes and dimples slowly appearing as Dome licked his lips.

Phoom nearly passed out again but endured to see more of the beauty that is Dome. The gang would call him sissy for fainting earlier but the view of Dome right now is worth all the blood he shed---albeit through the nose.

He thought the kiss would end quickly like all the previous ones they shared so he grabbed Dome's waist and kneeded as much flesh as he could. Dome's moan and panting breath reverberated around the room. The sound made Phoom dizzy with need and want. His hands were busy finding purchase until finally, with a little bit of hesitation, grabbed Dome's ass.

His bliss was short lived though. Dome had smacked his hand away and stepped down from the bed. His lap and his hands missing the warmth of Dome's perfectly supple buttocks.

"Aw. I'm hurt," Phoom feigned.

"You are still technically hurt so we can't do more than that," Dome said as he pulled a tray out and put all the food on it so Phoom could eat on the bed.

With his back towards Phoom, he softly said, "I'll give you more if you promise to get well soon."

"I promisssseeee!!!" Phoom shouted like a child.


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