VIII. This Bed

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It's been two weeks since they started dating and Dome can't seem to get over the thought that his boyfriend is as hot as a greek god. News spread like wildfire throughout the hospital and the staff also seem to can't stop teasing him. Hospital protocols and ethical concerns aside, every body was surpised to find out the gender of the person he's in a relationship with It became the sole issue that even his classmates, namely Ben, from med school caught the news. Nobody thought him to be gay. Not even the staff in the nurse station where he regularly visits saw any hint and were extremely surprised that something was going on between him and their patient.

There was no adverse reaction though. Everybody readily acclimated to the idea because they reasoned that 'no man or woman can resist Pavel Phoom'. Indeed, mere mortals like him cannot resist the charm of the adonis-incarnate Phoom.

True to Phooms words, he didn't make any sly move on Dome until he's fully healed. Satisfying themselves with quick kisses and deep talks about each other, Phoom had surprisingly kept his promise not to do anything remotely sexual---assuming he knows something. He was kinda bummed out that he made Phoom swear upon it. Dome now is the one itching to do more than just simple kisses here and there.

Phoom started working on rehabilitation and had slowly started doing cardio just so he could run again without laboring too much. Working back his stamina to its old state is difficult. He needed to be able to keep up with the training once he gets a clean bill of health. But that also means that he won't be seeing much of Dome like this everyday---in his arms and in this hospital bed. Having someone care for him, like Dome does every day, is a welcome respite from his too independent and hazardous life.

He suddenly wanted to live off base. Somewhere near the hospital would be great but he needed permission from his commanding officer to do that. He wanted to experience that so-called 'honeymoon' season with Dome.

Like the howling wind outside his hospital window, the storm inside Phoom's heart rages as Dome, with very little clothing to hide his pearly white legs, came to sleep beside him after his duty. The entire province is on lockdown because of a typhoon and most of the consulting doctors went home leaving only the intern resident doctors for emergencies and of course Dome, who insisted that he stay.

"Are you not cold? The AC is turned off but it's windy and the rain made the room chilly," he asked as Dome slipped under the same blanket. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when Dome entangled their bare legs. The tiny boxers fueled his wild imaginagion and something else. It wouldn't count as having sex if he just touched here and there, right?

"You're here to keep me warm. Besides I only packed this much clothes with me," Dome answered as he snuggled close to Phoom's body, hand resting on his chest.

"I've been wanting to ask this from you. Who brings you your clothes and stuff? You haven't left the hospital for weeks now," Phoom asked, perplexed at how Dome gets freshly laundered clothes without leaving the building. He thoroughly interviewed all the nurses that checks up on him, asking random things about Dome---his schedule and whereabouts.

"Ben gets them from my house and then he brings it to our quarters," Dome nonchalantly answered without knowing that Phoom got jealous.

"Who's Ben?" as much as he tried, Phoom couldn't hide the tightness in his voice. There was a sweet tone Dome gave when he talked about this 'Ben' freely entering his house.

"He's been my classmate since university. He's a urologist. Sadly he works on the other side of the building so you haven't seen him. Next time he drops by I'll introduce you."

"As boyfriend," Phoom said in what Dome thought to be a high-handed tone.

"Yes, as my boyfriend. What's with the tone? Are you jealous? This early?" Dome incredulously asked.

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