III. You're Beautiful

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The doctor is innocent. He really is. Dr Dome didn't even bat an eye holding his member and removing the catheter. He even massaged it like a pro. Or not. Either way it felt freakin good after having the extremely uncomfortable and painful catheter inside his urethra. He can't relate with BDSM enthusiast who can endure the pain.

When the catheter was pulled, he didn't just feel relief he also felt arousal. It had been too long and another person's hand, despite it being gloved, felt surreal to him.

He just had to stop the doctor otherwise something will come out that they'll both be embarrassed about.

"Oh," Dome's bewildered and shocked expression was too cute. He committed it to his memory for later.

"Yes. You can go ahead and nap or change clothes. I'll just...wait for it to go limp on it's own?" he said to the doctor. He looked at his angry red dick. It might take awhile. He can't just jerk off in front of the doctor.

The blush that crept up the doctor's face was more than enough of a reward for him to disregard his utter nakedness and embarrassingly erect dick infront of the doctor.

"Maybe you need to go to the bathroom? The urinal bag is full after all," the doctor suggested. He looked at the urinal bag. It isn't exactly full and he doesn't feel any need to relieve himself.

"Trust me, it's not pee," he deadpan declared.

How he can drop embarrasing sentences like these, he doesn't know. As he have said before, he really isn't socially adept to be around talking to people especially to the doctor. He can't help blurting out stupid words.

"Oh. Oh. Okay, I-I'll go to my sleeping quarters after all. Thanks for the offer," the doctor said as he hurriedly disposed of the surgical gloves and picked up his coat to leave the room.

Great. Now the doctor thinks he's a pervert. He sighed. It's so early in morning to screw up.

The bathroom doesn't seem to be too far so he decided to wash his face. The nurses wouldn't be too pissed off if he removed the clamp connected to the monitor. It's easy to put it back anyway if in case he gets scolded, again.

The walk to the bathroom with his IV fluids in tow felt like forever. There wasn't much pain except for some twitch in his chest and his rib isn't hurting as bad as yesterday. He can probably bend towards the sink if he dared.

He's in need of much brushing and wash plus he needs to change clothes so he wouldn't be walking bare ass naked with the flimsy hospital gown. He doesn't need the nurses screaming in horror as well. He already scarred the pretty doctor away.

Pretty. Huh. Never used a word to describe a man before. Dr Dome seems be both pretty and handsome at the same time. His serious face is handsome. Even the intimidating face Dome pulled off with his commandant was hot.

When Dome smiles, everything around him seems to twinkle and he becomes a lot prettier. More beautiful than the nurses who attended him yesterday while being shouted upon by his superior.

In the span of two days he felt attracted to the doctor even when they haven't extensively talked with one another. He could spend the day watching the doctor's face. No talking needed. He would be content with that. Also, his mouth has no filter and letting him talk too much is a calamity on its own. He should gag himself while around Dr Dome.

After washing his face and brushing his bacteria-infested teeth he put back all the medical contraption on his finger and chest. The ones with adhesive didn't seem to stick back again so he let them lay on the bedside table. He'll need to formulate a good reason why he doesn't need the ridiculous thing.

He seems to be recovering fine except for the occasional pain he feels in his chest. Will he need to fake illness so he could stay longer? He's entitled to at least a month of recovery. Though physically speaking he can probably recover within two weeks if he stops going to the gym for a month after hospital discharge.

The day dragged on without seeing a sight or shadow of Dr Dome. There wasn't much he could do except force himself to sleep.

He didn't watch the TV. The shows were crappy. He can't remember the last time he enjoyed watching TV. It must have been ages ago when he was still a thumb-sucking child.

He was never the kind of person to be entertained with shows, cartoons or movies. He nearly couldn't relate with 'Capt America' that Dome had mentioned at some point. Thankfully Capt America is easy to remember from amongst the posters his teammate had pinned in their dorm barracks.

Star Wars was the only movie franchise that he could digest and swallow. Had he been good with math, physics and science he'd probably apply for an aerospace program. Alas, he's a dumb kid with all brawn and no brain. Better leave the thinking part to Dr Dome.

"Hey," a familiar voice greeted and pulled him out of his thoughts.

Looking at the doctor's still wet hair and fresh clothes without the white coat, he could surmise that Dome had a pretty good rest. He must have forgotten the embarassing incident earlier---or not.

"Still hard?" the doctor asked with a smirk. He chuckled in response.

"Not anymore. Want to make it hard again?" he joked. Damn, he needs to gag himself for real.

How the hell did he learn to make light innuendos like this? In the military, all they talk about are tactics here and shooting that. He could dismantle and assemble a gun in his head but not conversations like these. Where did he conjure up the confidence?

"I'd rather not. You can ask the beautiful nurses instead. They'd be more than willing," the doctor offered.

"You're beautiful though," he complimented.

The doctor looked away like it was his first time to be called beautiful. Are the people around him blind? The sun peeking through the window casted a beautiful glow on the doctor's face and hair making him more angelic rather than just merely beautiful.

He didn't know the doctor had dark brown highlights. When the sun shines upon it, the brown appear lighter and more beautiful to look at.

"Pshh. I'm a man. You don't equate the word beauty with a man," the doctor said as he sat on the bed.

"There's no rule that says to use 'beautiful' only with women. If it's beautiful then it's simply beautiful and you are beautiful to me," he said with sincerity. God knows how very shallow and vain humans can be that sincerity is lost for 'likes', 'hearts' and 'thumbs up'.

"Thank you. Yo-you're very handso--I mean you're not bad yourself. The nurses can't stop talking about you. If you're single and interested, I'll introduce you to them, though they already pretty much know your name, " the doctor said as he slowly removes the plaster and gauze dressing. It came off clean and without blood stains. He didn't even feel any pain.

"I'm already interested on another," he replied with a flinch as the doctor dabbed alcohol around the stitches.

He had already set his eyes on the doctor but they've only seen each other three times to conclude something more, though he's very attracted. He can't deny that. It's the first time that he's been this intensely interested.

"Oh. That's great. I wi-wish you luck," the doctor said but he could hear a tightness to his voice.

"I don't know about that. He won't even look me in the eye," he said and the hand that's cleaning his operated wound stopped.

"H-He?" the doctor finally looked at him squarely. His eyes were unfocused and thoroughly confused.

"More like 'you'," he slowly reached up to touch the doctor's hand and held it tight.

"Oh" was what the doctor said before he pulled the doctor close to bridge the gap and stole a quick kiss on the lips.


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