VI. Nose Bleed

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"What the fuck are you doing?" Gun asked, perplexed with Phoom's weird position on the bed. The group returned with the take-outs they promised to buy only to find the injured guy rubbing his body like he itched everywhere.

Phoom was on the bed writhing and wriggling in happiness, creepy smile permanently embedded on his face after Dome kissed him and shyly run away. He wished he was healed this instant so he could roam around the hospital and hunt Dome down. A second helping of Dome's kiss would be worth all the trouble he'll get from the nurses and doctors. But alas his wound is still fresh and numerous contraptions are attached to him. He wouldn't be able to walk further than the nurse's station without catching anybody's attention while dragging all the liquid junk with him.

Phoom could only express his happinness by writhing on the bed like a weirdo which probably looked like he's got worms up his ass---from his friends' perspective.

"He kissed me," he said with an uncontrollable smile. He wanted to shout but that would alert the nurses outside and he'd be branded as a lunatic. He already is. But Dome doesn't know that...yet.

"Good for you!" Bone cheered as he put all the food down on the only existing table in the room, its stability questionable with the pile of food fit for sumo wrestlers sitting atop it.

"So what?! If you just let me hit on him too I'm sure he'll pick me over this invalid," Shield countered, obviously jealous with his accomplishment. A small victory but victory nonetheless. He'll take whatever he can get while still in his bedridden state.

"Shut up. Leave the doctor alone. Give Phoom here a chance to get his own man. You can get yours with new gay cadets trying to eyefuck you yesterday," Gun commented, solidifying Shield's popularity at their barracks.

Phoom ignored Shield's unwarranted sentiments and focused on his own happiness---Dome.

The doctor ducked out so fast after the kiss. He wanted to take it a little bit further but the guy left just as quickly as the kiss started. He was left on the bed wanting more of the doctor's soft lips.

"Stop daydreaming. Where did the doctor go? We brought the food for you two." Gun asked.

"Got shy and left immediately," he curtly answered, still imagining the 'what ifs' had they continued kissing.

"Or he just thought your breath stinks. Have you brushed your teet----?"

"Do you immediately put your dick in the hole?" he interrupted Shield's insult midsentence. The shit is still trying to discourage him and take his Dome away but he'll hear none of that. He'll apply as much training as he did so he could get ahead of Shield, though truthfully he already is.

He ain't bragging but the kiss said it all. He wanted to shut Shield up and therefore he asked something his friends wouldn't have thought they would hear from him. Impromptu sex talk---best tactic to divert topics.

"Noooo!!!!" all the guys answered in unison. He was a little surprised by the onslaught of 'wtf' and 'are you insane'.

There were even some 'are you a dog?' and 'are you frustrated?' questions. He couldn't answer all queries so he just nodded like the love-struck idiot he is.

He would have been offended but he kinda wanted to admit that he is somewhat frustrated with how slow the process of courting a person actually is. Patience is his strongest point but it seems like it isn't the case with Dome.

"Okay, Imma give you this special lesson just one time, exclusive from yours tuly. You cannot slide your dick in the minute you hit the bed!" Shield advised like the sex guru everybody thought he is.

Fail. He had forgotten Shield could talk about sex all the day if it weren't a sexual harrassment liability in the barracks.

"How far did your imagination take you? You should have watched porn with me. It would have been so much easier explaining it with the video."

The other guys intently listened, amused with the sudden flow of conversation between him and enthusiastic Shield.

"Not much. Just touching here and there."

"Are you sure you went through sex education in high school? Touching here and there? Are you a child?" Bone said as he munched on the chicken leg they bought. Half of the chicken in the bucket already gone.

"Of course asshole. Just give me some useful tips," he replied. He knows where to aim it at the very least.

"Hold on. Shouldn't the doctor be knowledgable about this kind of stuff? He would probably know more about the safest way to do it, right? Anatomically speaking he'd know where the good spot is." Gun interjected.

Everybody looked at him in curiosity. Gun has a fucking point. Medical practitioners know male anatomy more than anyone.

"So in conclusion, Shield isn't needed here," Bone injected. Everbody seems to agree because they gagged Shield and went on with their lunch, discontinuing the topic of sex but made his imagination run wilder than it was supposed to be.

Little did everybody know, the doctor had already heard everything from the previous conversation to this current one. Dome had been fortifying himself with deep breaths trying to conjure his poker face.

It was hard for Dome not to snicker and smile at the conversation happening inside the room. It wasn't his idea to eavesdrop but one of the nurses had heard the earlier conversation and summoned him to the door. Luckily the nurse didn't holler the other staff. They stood outside listening to Phoom's possessive comments about him.

Hearing Phoom talk about him churned Dome's stomach and insides. Contrary to Phoom's belief, he would never reject the man. He's the only ever person to think of him as beautiful. He'd received more attention from the flirty soldier than he ever did in his adult lackluster life.

The nurse beside him couldn't contain her giddiness. She kept tapping his shoulder everytime Phoom would blurt out something romantic or dirty. He will probably bruise but that's better than having to deal with all the nurses from the station.

The troop members of Phoom are funny. The nurse couldn't stop snickerng. Had they not been concealing their presence she would have already rolled off the floor in laughter. Thankfully nobody noticed them. Or so he thought.

The last comment about him supposedly knowing gay sex by reason of his profession had made Nurse Cherry push him too much that he ended up lying on the inside of the room's floor---to everybody's surprise.

Phoom, whilst imagining different versions of Dome in bed, was surprised to see the doctor falling inside the room and almost face-planting the floor. He almost missed out on the female nurse scurrying off guiltily shouting something like 'he knows, he knows'. He couldn't understand what she was referring to but he locked his attention on the man he's been imagining every night under him, smiling sheepishly on the floor.

The faces of his friends were no different from him. They were as shocked as he was. They didn't even notice the two eavesdropping on them and the team were supposed to be able to detect that.

"Great, he can directly answer our question! So, do you know how to have gay sex?" Shield asked before the troop could prevent him from blabbering stupid things. Though Phoom is admittedly curious too.

"I-I guess so?" Dome answered vaguely.

Flashes of images of Dome came to him like a prayer. Shy and sensitive Dome. A wanton and passionate Dome. Passive but extremely sensitive Dome.

"Oi! Your nose is bleeding!!!" Gun shouted before he passed out on the bed.


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