IX. Spread It

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"Was it true that you had awesome sex and destroyed the bed?" Ben asked the same question, like all the other staff that Dome came across with, including their hospital director. Dome groaned in frustration, not wanting to deny the ridiculous rumor to which he already answered a thousand times today. 

It became a hot issue that even hospitals from another province heard the 'bed-shattering sex of a doctor and a patient'.  Phoom laughed it off but Dome couldn't when he received a message from his superior and joked about his supposed 'sore ass' telling him that he need not serve his shift. He would have liked not to go to work but his ass is fine and still a virgin as it always has been---contrary to everyone's belief.

He swore, these people doesn't have anything to do other than gossip about his non existent sex life or at least an attempt to have one. The rickety bed botched all their plans to have a fun and cozy night. They haven't even taken off their clothes yet. He was itching to touch all of Phoom's glorious body without any medical excuse but all of that went down the drain. 

What was worse? The bed was charged against his paycheck. Luckily it didn't cost that much when the utility staff deducted the depreciation cost. The bed was old that it thankfully reduced the value to a couple of hundred baht. Having the administration and utility staff examine the damage and awkwardly explaining the reason for it was stressful.  It stressed him more than the interview he did before getting to work in the surgery department. 

Dome should have known better. All the squeeking sound the bed made should have alarmed him but he was so into their foreplay and Phoom's magic hands brought his head beyond heaven. The aftermath was equally worse and embarassing. They couldn't look at the nurses who were alarmed with the damage they caused to the bed. Phoom was confidently sheepish about it but Dome was blushing mad when the staff replaced the bed and told them to not have any sex in the hospital ever again. They didn't even have sex! 

Ben kept teasing him and probably thinking that Dome finally popped his cherry. The mental image of them having sex made Ben all the more savage. 

Dome really tried hard to dispell all the rumors but Phoom wasn't helping him. Eventually, he stopped trying. There wasn't gonna be any use clearing up his supposed 'not-so-innocent' image if he was gonna 'pop his cherry' in the foreseeable future.  Or perhaps next week if his bed at home doesn't break on them too.

The most stressful part of the day was trying to mentally and physically prepare himself. He has absolute zero sex experience. If he was gonna take it, then he might as well take it like a pro.  So he called Nine. 

Nine is a doctor whom he met when they interned as residents in the hospital.  They were all assigned to the ER. Nine studied medicine in the city but decided to intern in the rural bundooks. His parents demanded from him that he stop his city and party life.

Nine acquiesced because he got a younger lovestruck boyfriend who's conservative and apparently too traditional. The kid is studying Political Science in Chiang Mai University. He wasn't shy admitting to everyone that he got a teenager boyfriend who fell in love with him like crazy.  He even told everyone how good in the bed his very capable younger boyfriend is. 

Prior to meeting his Joong in a friend's party, Nine had a very colorful and wild 'rainbow' life. Too much alcohol, and partying after exams. He has, according to common friends,  uncontrollable appetite for sex of either gender.

Joong was the only one able to tamed him. After Nine's party friends dared him to kiss the straight stoic kid in the corner,  he afterwards got unbelievably hooked with the kid. Too studious, straightlaced and serious Joong turned Nine's life around for the better.

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