X. Insatiable 1

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Phoom was perplexed with both doctors who just came out of the hospital building. Dome had a teary eyed face like he cried or something. Nine seems stupidly happy like a father sending off his daughter to a wedding. They look normal except that they were hugging and supporting each other till Dome reached the bike.

He was just gonna take his boyfriend home. It's not like they ain't gonna be seeing each other in the future. Dome will still work tomorrow while Phoom continue to recuperate in his house. For the time being, he'll be a house-husband to Dome. He will cook him food and take care of the doctor while he awaits his official orders to return to the barracks.

"Are you okay? Hey, why are you crying?" he asked as he clearly saw Dome sweating and tearing up, lips red and bitten. He wiped the tears and hugged Dome.

"He's okay. He's uhmm...just adjusting?" Nine insufficiently explained as he observed in the corner.

"To what? It's not like we'll be gone for a long time. His house is fifteen minutes away from here," Phoom said as he carefully took Dome's hand and led him to the bike teaching him how to properly ride it. He failed to notice Dome's pleasure-pained face. His attention was on Nine who was too happy to hand Dome over to him.

'This friend is a weird one.' Phoom thought.

Dome bit his lips hard as he seated himself on the back of Phoom's bike. He should have vehemently refused to wear the damn dildo but it's done now. His asshole is legitimately on fire. It's burning so bad that the pleasure of it was shadowed by the searing pain. Nine applied a numbing solution but it didn't have much effect.

He secretly looked at Nine, under his lashes, who was worried but also sadistically happy about his situation. He's on a bike for god sakes. All the bump and hump they'll pass through will cause him too much...he doesn't know yet. Pain or pleasure. Not sure.

Nine couldn't have planned this ahead. He didn't think Phoom would use a motorbike of all days, much less on the day of his hospital discharge.

Safety should have been on Phoom's mind but he must have wanted Dome to ride the motorbike badly since it's his favorite bike of all the ones he bought.

"You ready?" Phoom asked and Dome awkwardly nodded in reply as his ass twitched in nervousness.

Dome watched in his periphery view how Nine held a thumbs up sign. He's gonna have a heartattack once they clear the toll gate. He cringed at the thought of the pain he'll experience. His house is located on the part of the subdivision with road constructions going on. It was part of the reason why he hasn't been going home. He'd been asking Ben to get his stuff from the house and he hasn't stepped into his apartment for a week.

The ride, in the beginning was surprisingly smooth to his delight, until they reached his subdivision. The roads haven't been cleared of debris yet and construction wasn't even halfway finsihed. There were still stones and large debris obstructing the way but enough to let cars pass through. He should have insisted on riding a car instead. Cars nowadays are equipped with better shock absorbers that humps can be barely felt when riding through rough terrain.

The road to Dome's house looked like a dirt road from hell but to Phoom it looked like a heavenly obstacle course that he usually practices with. Phoom enjoys obstacles and showing off.

Phoom wanted to impress Dome so he deliberately went to the bumpiest part of the road. Dome, on the other hand, wanted to cry as the first road hump jolted his ass nerves awake. After this, he'll make sure to curse Nine three years of badluck.

"Hhaaaah," Dome unintentionally let out a long sigh .

"What wrong?" Phoom asked though he was kinda turned on with Dome's breath just right by his ear.

"N-nothing," Dome bit bis lips as he endured another hump, hands unconsciously tightening his hold on Phoom's shirt.

By the end of the ride, he was panting so hard and gripping Phoom's waist tight. He held his moans several times but he couldn't help mewling out loud several times.

Phoom heard everything. Of course he did. Dome was panting hard beside his ear and occasionally bit his shoulder during the bumpiest part of the road. He was already hard by the third gasp Dome let out.

Phoom thought Dome was thoroughly impressed with his driving skills to the point of being horny. If his mates were around he would have gloated. Little did he know Dome was horny for another reason.

So when they got to the apartment complex he carried Dome up his shoulder and ran to the door impatiently opening it with the keys and passcode he had asked earlier.

He didn't even bother checking out the place. He wanted to fly to the bedroom sooner. Less than fifteen minutes was enough to make him hard with Dome's breathy moans and gasp.

Dome, on the other hand didn't protest. He was mostly out of it. After the bruising 5 minutes of the bumpiest ride he ever had in his life, he had already secretly cummed once and was deliriously leaking by the time Phoom had thrown him to the bed.

"If you were this excited. I should have just taken you by the road," Phoom said as he flung his shirt behind him desperately unbuttoning Dome's jeans.

Dome kept his mouth covered and tightly closed as every jiggle of his lower extremeties sent him to a gasping fit as electricity traveled to his already abused prostate. Nevermind if Phoom thought him aroused by his driving skills. Dome just wants to fill the hole with something longer at this point.

He didn't even notice his shirt being taken off as Phoom showered him with kisses.

As Phoom's tongue swirled around his mouth the plug seemed to follow. As Phoom explored every crevice of his mouth the plug seemed to rotate in synchrony and scraped his channel.

The sensations from his butt heightened with Phoom assaulting his nipples. His eyes rolled out of focus, thoroughly feeling the high of Phoom's foreplay.

"What the fu--?!" Phoom exclaimed in surprise as he removed the last piece of Dome's clothing thereby revealing the wet mess underneath.

Phoom stared at the glistening buttplug. Wet and shining from the combined mess of Dome's lube inside his ass and probably sweat.

It twitched and twinkled in the dimmed room as if to say "hello" and his dick stupidly throbbed "hi" in response.


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